"Crazy Strong and Loving It!" for March 29"


Good morning ladies,

Today I will take a REST DAY! I need one after CCPP, that one is tough! That one kicked my butt, I thought those hills and sprints never end:eek: That is one workout I wouldn't do every week, lol!

Have a great Sunday, everyone!
Morning everyone and hi Belinda! Thanks for starting this thread everyday- I love knowing that you are out there getting us going each day. :)

It is a rest day here too- haven't had one since the 18th- my schedule was off due to me being a little sick in the middle of the month. So I'm happy to take the day off, especially after MIC yesterday. I'm toying with the idea of repeating week 2 of STS as well. It is nice to repeat the workouts- I feel like I get a more efficient workout the second time around and I like delaying the end a bit. It saves me from having to decide what to do next. :p Hmm, seems that I'm talking myself into a 5-6 month rotation, eh? :)

Have a great day everyone!
Hi everyone. I'm enjoying a rest day today too. Just now getting ready to print my workout card for tomorrow to see what's ahead of me. I like to get my weights all set up the day before since my brain doesn't seem to function very well at 6am when I start!

Have a good day. We had about 2 inches of rain yesterday so it's nice to see the sun here in SC!!!

Bev and Patti, enjoy your rest day! I also got my workout card ready for tomorrow:eek: I will do disc 10,11 and 12!

Hi to everyone that follows!

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