Hey Girls..
I did HiiT 30/30 this morning! Cool workout, it got my HR UP there, I think I may have seen 179 at one point and felt like spitting.. LOL!. It was good though, just long enough too. Not as hard as Cardio Core Circuit, for which I was grateful for. I added on the MMA: Boxing Abs because I didn't get them done the other day.
So I am now officially DONE with the STS 3 months rotation! I have to say, I definitely liked it better the 2nd time around. Not that I didn't like it the first time, it was just a bit easier to know what to expect. I will definitely do it again, but got to give it a few months rest. Maybe in time for me to finish up beginning of summer, so that would be starting up again in April? Maybe... Still waiting for Cathe's JAN 10 rotation. I guess I'm "supposed" to take a "Recovery Week" next week too. So no hurry. I'll just do some various cardio/stretching, etc. I think I really want to keep with the heavy weights though.
Nora: Good workout yesterday for you. It must have been nice to do some Cathe for weight work instead of Tony, no? Pizza smizza, is HISTORY! LOL!... I did get a good night's sleep last night, and am ready to take on back to back overnights at the hospital...again!
Belinda: Good job on CC!!
Roxie: Sounds like a workout in itself yesterday with all that moving! That's tough work! Hope you get to do something "funner" today though.
Heather: Oh I loved MMA Boxing! I like punching stuff...LOL! I like how the fast arm movements get my HR up there. I've only done the 30/30 HiiT (today) and really liked how it worked me hard, but was over quick. I have to say, one move I can't STAND is ,butt kicks. I was glad it wasn't in 30/30. Did you try the Step workouts from SC yet or are your feet still bothering you?
*waves* to Debbie and Wendy!!!