crawling out of the woodwork AGAIN!


Active Member
Hi All!

I know my posts are few and far between - I should be more consistant about posting - I hope everyone is doing well with their pregnancies - mine is going great so far and I attribute most of that to keeping fit and eating right.

My doc says I'm right on schedule with everything, which is reassuring, because I was concerned that I may be gaining too much weight (21 pounds so far) - I still have two months to go (due April 23rd) - but she said that I'm actually on the low side of weight gain with her patients. That made me feel better :)

I joined a prenatal yoga class and also use "The Method" prenatal yoga tape - I do those almost every day - for some reason, now with this bigger body it just feels so good to stretch for awhile after doing an aerobic/weight workout. I always stretched before and after workouts, but now that I'm preggers, I do it even more...

I'm sorry to say, though, that I have had to shelve most of my Cathe tapes for now until after baby Carol arrives - they're just too tough for now - and it really sucks becuase my husband bought me the express series and the two new ones - rythmic and power - for Christmas and they're still in their wrappers! (I guess I should take this opportunity to preview them...)

OK - I've rambled on long enough - again, I hope you are all doing well - I'm going to make every effort to check in more often, I promise!

As if you don't already have a lot to look forward to with a new baby on the way, now you have all those Cathe videos to try, when you're back to normal!

I'm due on May 9th, and I've gained 24 pounds. Dr. says that's normal, but it seems like a lot to me.

As long as you are doing what's best for your body, I'm sure the weight will come right off!

Good luck!
Hi AmandaVL! Nice to hear from you again. You sound like you are having a very smooth pregnancy, thats nice to hear. Well, now I can blow you away with my weight gain (;-)) since I too am due April 23rd and have gained over thirty pounds. I go tomorrow to find out exactly how much over thirty pounds but three weeks ago I was at thirty pounds. I really am not concerned because I look very normal in my hands, face, and ankles. Minimal swelling and mostly all belly. My measurements are all accurate and I feel good. What a difference from when I look back at my son Eric's pregnancy who I delivered at 36 1/2 weeks and only gained 28 pounds at that point. While he was also a healthy pregnancy it was quite differentfrom this one(at least so far;-)!.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi Cathe! Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well. I guess if my favorite fitness instructor isn't worried about her weight gain, then neither should I :) I wonder which one of us will deliver first???

I, too, have had minimal swelling in hands, face, and ankles, although I have removed all of the rings that I usually wear because they were becoming too tight. I take my blood pressure and test my urine at home in between OB visits - not for any other reason than I like to be on top of my own health. I always seem to have that "trace" of protein in my urine, but I drink more than the required amount of water, so my doc isn't concerned.

In addition to my prenatal pills, I also take fish oil pills, which I have heard makes for smarter babies (any child of mine will need all the help she can get! ;) )

ok - I'm gonna end this note now cuz AOL keeps asking me if I want to stay on or not ...

Take Care and I hope all went well at your appointment! (My next is next Friday)


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