crawling back out of the woodwork...


Active Member
Hi everyone!
It's been quite awhile since I've last posted - life has been really hectic lately. My pregnancy is going well, thank goodness. I had my ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and we're having a girl! We'll be naming her Carol Elizabeth, after my best friend that passed away in August. I can't wait until she gets here! Just last week I felt the first subtle movements - now I feel them all the time! As of my last appointment I had gained 6 pounds so far. I've been afraid to get on the scale since Thanksgiving, though (I stuffed myself to the gills!). Although I'm not showing yet, my pants are getting tighter as each day passes.

Cathe, I don't know if you remember, but you and I have the same due date - I just read your post about your ultrasound and finding out you're having another boy - congrats about that! How about Samuel for a name choice (that was mine if it was a boy - my husband wasn't in agreement tho - he liked Trevor or Travis). Whatever you choose, I'm sure it will be a great name.

I have a question to any/all of you reading this about ab work: does anyone use the ab part of Cardio Kicks for pregnancy ab work? I was thinking of trying that section, now that I'm at a point in the pregnancy where it's advisable not to do abdominals on my back.

Take care everyone!

Hi Amanda!

I'll leave the AB question to Cathe or Sheila but wanted to say it's great to see you back here and to congratulate you on your pregnancy. I remember when your friend passed away and I think it's wonderful you will be using her name! Carol Elizabeth is beautiful. How neat that your daughter will keep her memory alive. Glad you & baby are doing well.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Amanda!

I'm glad your pregnancy is progressing well. What a wonderful idea for the name of your baby. With your baby moving around as much as it is, you'll be "showing" any day now!!
Hi Amanda! I was just thinking about you last week and wondering how you were doing? I'm hoping that you are feeling a little better with all that have been going through. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.

If my memory serves me correctly, the ab work in cardio kicks consisted of planks. I would recommend doing only prone (facing down)planks and also to do them with a bent knee (as opposed to straight legs). As your belly gets bigger you may find that these exercises are a bit too stressful on your lower back. At that point I would no longer recommend doing any planks.

Take Care!

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