Craving sugar?


HI Ladies,
Does anyone think that it is possible to be addicted to sugar? I have been trying to clean up my diet lately and sugar is one of my downfalls.
Today I had a biscotti(which isn't to bad)1/2 of a tiger brownie, a haystack cookie,and a snowball.NOw my husband is gone to the store and I said,I wouldn't mind having a little taste of a aero bar.And these are just the things that I can remember.Sometimes I am not this bad IF I can really dedicate myself to something.I would even be happy with myself if I would just have a treat after dinner, but I can't even wait that long.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? As anyone cut out sugar cold turkey? I just want to stop craving sweets.x( If so,did your energy levels increase? Did you se any chages in your appearance.I guess I could start by throwing out the sweets I had in my fridge.
p.s....ah yes...I had a taste of some blueberry cheesecake as well:9
Not only is it possible, it's common. Every time you eat sugar, you get a sortof high; when you come down from the high, you want more. It's a simplistic explanation but that's what happens. I, too, loved sweets. When I started doing the low-carb thing, it was noticeable that I would kill for chocolate. I also thought I was starving. But after about 4 days, the cravings and hunger stopped. I mention this cuz it sneaks up on you. I bought an apple pie (homemade with caramel sauce on top)to "treat" my family about three days ago. I took a teeny-tiny piece. The next day, almost half the pie was gone and my family did not touch it. I insisted that they did. How did I go from no sweets for months to eating half a pie? SUGAR!! It makes us crazy! Seriously, if you want to stop it, you'll have to suffer for a few days and then it will be over - until you see a pie. Cheryl
I get cravings for sweets too! Usually in the afternoon and after dinner. I have NO IDEA how anyone could eliminate sweets completely from their diet because so many things have sugar in them-- even things that one would consider healthy.

So, I'm with ya, just have no idea how you would do it. I have deprived myself in the past, but I think that makes it worse for me... because then I go nuts and eat everything sweet in sight!!
I will tell you how horrible it is for me to deal with my sugar cravings. It started when I was teeny tiny.

My mom was extremely health-conscious when it came to my sister and I. As soon as we started eating, she would make her own baby food, every day, no exceptions. Vegetables, meats, etc. Then, when we were older, we weren't allowed any sweets. Absolutely none. Which is fine. We never missed it. My favorite treat was a raw onion and raw potatoes.

One day, my cousin broke her wrist (was probably 4 at the time), and we had to go to another town to take her to the hospital. We were there for hour and I was starving. The only thing my mom had on her was a few Oreos, so that's what she gave me. Well, let me tell you, I was addicted at that very moment. Two Oreo cookies and it was all over for me. She said that I literally wouldn't eat anything for days, because that's all I wanted to eat. And she let me starve. She wouldn't give in to me, so I finally got hungry enough to eat real food.

It has to be some sort of addiction. I am a real sucker for sweets, and when I go through periods of time that I don't eat processed sugars, I lose weight and feel fantastic. But then I see a cheesecake, and well, you know... it's history all over again. And sugar makes me feel terrible. I think I am one of those not diabetic but somewhat close kind of people. When I eat sugar, I get so tired I can hardly function. But I still do it to myself knowing how this is affecting me. Hopefully I can kick the habit!

Good luck on figuring out a way to deal with this. My father gave up sweets 100% about 30 years ago, and he has ZERO weight problems. I think he had the same problem I have, but had the willpower to just say no. Now he can't stand anything sweet (even fruits that are too sugary). I hope I am that lucky some day :D

Just a thought here, but for me it isn't 'sugar' It is the combination of sugar and fat. I do not sweeten my iced tea, I don't sweeten my coffee and sugar on cheerios is repulsive. HOWEVER I could easily have been the one who ate all that apple pie with the caramel. I'm also the one who polished off that bag of cookies! LOL OH, and the cheesecake you thought you had? Yep I ate that, too.


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