Craving for oranges


Whenever I do an intense cardio workout, I get an intense craving for oranges (juice/or actual orange). My husband said that is collge, he learned that there is something besides Vit. C in there that bodies need (especially if someone is active), but he couldn't remember what is was. I am just curious if anyone else gets this craving (I guess it's better than chocolate), and does anyone know why??? Thanks!!!
Hi...dont know what the other craving is that you're referring too. And, I also dont ever crave oranges or orange juice before, during or after a workout. I crave potato chips!! So, consider yourself lucky!

My guess is you're craving the fluid in oranges (to replace the fluids lost during the workout) AND the carbohydrates you've burned through during the workout. Plus, oranges just taste good!

That's a great way to snack after a workout! It's recommended that you consume some complex carbs shortly after your workout, NOT simple sugars but things with more fiber and a somewhat lower glycemic index.

Keep up the cravings, Jaypea!

Sometimes I crave tomato sauce or ketchup. Although, I haven't linked it to a intense cardio. But I also haven't paid much attention. I figured it may have been the Vitamin C too. Maybe they share the other "something" your husband can't remember. Jeanne

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