


Hi everyone,

Just wondering, I have been very crampy in my lower abdominals as well as my back, not always but it seems as if every month I have a bout of 3-4 days of it. I know some of it is due to fibroids that I have. But is there any exercises specifically I could due to reduce the pain there - or should I just take those days totally off and put my feet up? I have a job that requires me to be on my feet all day (I am a hairstylist) so I don't know if that contributes to the crampiness.

Hi Lisa,

How far along are you? Have you discussed this with you care provider? There aren't any exercises that I know of that specifically reduce cramping. I definitely would ask about it the next time that you are in for an appointment. My suggestion is to "take it easy" on the days that you are experiencing this and make sure that you are drinking enough water. We don't want your uterus to contract because you are dehydrated. Do you notice a decrease in the cramping when you are off your feet? Let me know what your care provider says. Good luck and take care.


Sheila Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness Programs
Hi Sheila,

Mostly, they just tell me I will have an uncomfortable pregnancy due to the fibroids, I am going again on Monday and will ask once again and see what she has to say. I am 20 weeks along and yes I think being off my feet helps after a while to take the stress off my back.
Thanks for your thoughts and I will write again after my visit on Monday!PS I will find out what I am having at that time too!
I can't wait!

Hi again Sheila,

Went for the sonogram yesterday and the doctor said that the fibroids are being pushed away from the uterus (which is good)
so therefore causing me discomfort. The baby has plenty of room and is doing great! I guess I can deal with the cramping as long as I know the baby is doing well. And by the way - its a boy! my husband and I are thrilled!
I guess I am halfway so I will just have to grin and bear it and take a little Tylenol when its bad.
Thanks for all your help!

Hi again Sheila,

Went for the sonogram yesterday and the doctor said that the fibroids are being pushed away from the uterus (which is good)
so therefore causing me discomfort. The baby has plenty of room and is doing great! I guess I can deal with the cramping as long as I know the baby is doing well. And by the way - its a boy! my husband and I are thrilled!
I guess I am halfway so I will just have to grin and bear it and take a little Tylenol when its bad.
Thanks for all your help!

Double yippeeeee!!!!

Hi Lisa,

So happy to "hear" your news. Little boys are so special. Mine is 3 right now and definitely "mommy's little boy" which is fine by me.

Keep us posted and give yourself permission to put those feet up when you are experiencing the cramping.


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R)Fitness
RE: Yipeee!

Thanks everyone, I will keep you posted on the little guy!

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