Crackly knee and weighted squats


Hi, everyone!
Does anyone (else) continue to do weighted squats in spite of a crackly (but so far painless) knee? My x-ray showed moderate arthritis and my family doctor advised me to stop the squats, but they're so effective I don't want to discontinue them. I'm gearing up for an active week in Maine (lots of uphill mountain hiking).

Does anyone know if keeping them in my workouts will do any harm? While I don't want to give them up, I wouldn't want to injure myself.

Any thoughts or similar experiences out there?


I do have crackly knees sometimes, but mostly just pain without noise. However, all docs say to do the squats in order to keep the muscles strong around the knee - just to be sure to use perfect form. I was told that lunges are more dangerous for bad knees, but like I'm going to stop those... I just listen to my body and if the knees are really screaming, I take it down a notch, or give an extra day or two of rest from weights. I have had bad knees since I was a teenager and they never get worse so I figure I will be living with them forever. I would see a specialist about your knees - either rheumatologist or sports medicine doc and get their opinion. Probably actually sports medicine - and you could demonstrate your form and be sure you are not doing anything wrong to aggravate your knees.

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