Could you do this?


Smile straight through a Cathe workout. My 5 year old daughter brought it up the other day while I was doing KPC. She said, "Mommy that girl is always smiling (refering to Lorraine) why don't you smile when you exercise?" I tried it halfway through and thought, heck no I couldn't. I'm to busy dripping sweat, huffing, puffing, and turning red. So, what do you look like when your working out at home?
They make it look so easy. They look really pretty and all put together, and here I am sweating my arse off and looking like crap. :eek:
I noticed that about way could I do that. I know here and there I will smile because of something Cathe says or because I finally got a move down. :D But other than that its not a pretty sight.

That's why I like Brenday so much. Every once in a while when Cather says "4 more!", Brenda keeps her smile but the look in her eyes is "are you out of your flippin' mind???"
No I don't think I could smile the whole way through it.

I like when the girls are in so much pain that the giggle in disbelief and shake their head no... while smiling. I just noticed this again in 4DS today. Lorraine and Brenda were doing this and cathe commented about it.
This is funny, because I always watch Jai, and that woman is grace through and through...does anything rattle her??? Always a big smile..Brenda cracks me up though, you just know she has a great sense of humor cause she does give those looks! Lorraine is the "mannequin" I do not think I have ever seen her NOT smile.:D And Cedie is the happy go lucky one, I love to watch her do that pendulum move across the step, she is adorable!:p
I've tried, and no, I can't. Maybe if I was getting paid . . . nah, I don't even think I could then.

The really make it is easy. There is no way, I could keep a smile throughout. It is really a challenge for me and I need to have my game face on. ;)
That's why I like Brenday so much. Every once in a while when Cather says "4 more!", Brenda keeps her smile but the look in her eyes is "are you out of your flippin' mind???"

This is why i love to watch brenda...her expresions crack me up!
OMG I totally do this!! Am i the only one?! Although I only smile through my cardio workouts. I think it goes back to my years as a dancer, so we always had to be "on". Now the weight workouts, thats another story...
OMG I totally do this!! Am i the only one?! Although I only smile through my cardio workouts. I think it goes back to my years as a dancer, so we always had to be "on". Now the weight workouts, thats another story...

You're not the only one! I always smile through my cardio workouts. It makes me happy! :D

Now, weights, that's another story indeed - the closest I get to smiling during weight work is some sort of a pained grimace. :p
Are you sure it's not a snarl or a grimace? :p I know they have a little help for those smiles--vaseline on the teeth & other little Miss America secrets. ;)

I think I could do it if I had my hero Cathe telling me to. :D Crap, I got all goofy & stupid just being in the same room w/her.
My 7-year old son is in love with Lorraine. LOL. Whenever I'm working out and he sees Lorraine, he always comments that she is smiling and looks so happy.
Smile straight through a Cathe workout. My 5 year old daughter brought it up the other day while I was doing KPC. She said, "Mommy that girl is always smiling (refering to Lorraine) why don't you smile when you exercise?" I tried it halfway through and thought, heck no I couldn't. I'm to busy dripping sweat, huffing, puffing, and turning red. So, what do you look like when your working out at home?

NO smiles, mostly huffing and puffing and OMG...a few not very nice verbs here and there as
I just love watching Cede, Jai, Brenda, and Lorraine. They just have this kinship sorta thing that really makes you believe that they are having fun. I envy the road trippers who got to meet them in person. Cathe and her crew are like celebreties in my house. I would probably be to shy and scared of them if I ever met them. I love the kick boxing workouts and that Jai and Lorraine, man those two, are made of steel! When Jai shakes her head in that friendly sorta way I know to be afraid to be very afraid, but I gotta say it just kills me that they both just keep on jumping and smiling away with Cathe. I mean man, those cardio drills in kick max, just KILL me but they make it seem like they are just taking a walk in the park.
I'm all for change and everything, (and I know that this is a little off topic here) but I would have loved to see a workout in STS that just brought back Cede, Jai, Brenda, and Lorraine. I noticed in the blog that there isn't a single workout with just the old crew. I just really love working out with them as much as I love working out with Cathe.
Much as I adore and admire the crew, I have to admit, there are fleeting moments of annoyance when I see them smiling away while I'm struggling not to keel over. What makes me smile is when THEY look like they're suffering, too! :)
This is funny, because I always watch Jai, and that woman is grace through and through...does anything rattle her??? Always a big smile..Brenda cracks me up though, you just know she has a great sense of humor cause she does give those looks! Lorraine is the "mannequin" I do not think I have ever seen her NOT smile.:D And Cedie is the happy go lucky one, I love to watch her do that pendulum move across the step, she is adorable!:p

Oh I know it! She has her arms going back and forth. It so breaks up my seriousness during the workout. I also likes when she does the "slams" on the corner. She always looks like she is ready to say "ta da!!"


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