Could someone please...

I'd volunteer but I'm too lazy after blowing off my own workout.

Keep sitting . . .

Keep waiting . . .

*Points finger in universal direction of workout room*

"Go forth and plyo my pretties" }( }( }(

Just think how you'll feel when you're done, and how you'll feel if you DON'T get it in. Plus, it will throw off the rest of this week's rotation, you'll have to up the OCD meds if you do that :p

Just get through the warm-up and you'll be in.

Consider yourself kicked!:7


That was fun! Thanks:)
Thanks Mattea and Catherine. Mattea, how right you are about upping the OCD meds:p

Okay, it's done. SJP abs and both GS Upper Body workout timesaver premixes. Plus I took my happy doggies for a very long walk through the woods. Oh the smells they smelled!

I'm hereby kicking anyone else who needs one.
I'm with you, Lorrie. I work out in the mornings and when I woke up this morning, there was NO WAY I was going to work out. I was positively exhausted (and I got enough sleep). Anyway, I told myself I would come home and work out. Did that happen? Of course not. I had more important things to do like play with my dogs and make my jalepeno relish.

Ahhh...tomorrow's another day.

I think I needed a rest day. I never plan them, just take them when I feel like it.


P.S. Did you know your name has an extra "r" in it? ;)

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