Could I be?????


It's still too early to test but I'm way past ovulation (by about a week) and AF is due next Saturday. For the first time ever, my breasts feel so tender I can barely touch them and I keep getting a really piercing pain in both my left and right ovaries - what's going on? It's too early to test and I'm so down in case I'm not pg - last month DH and I weren't even trying and I thought I was pg when I was just a day late (I'm never late). Could this be stress-related? I haven't been stressed lately at all though and have been very relaxed about TTC!

Do any of you mums to be remember definitely feeling odd before the test results indeed came back positive? I guess it's the waiting game ... again.....

We have reason to believe conception took place last weekend (that sounds so formal, doesn't it? Like a political announcement or something !)
I've never had a baby (yet) but all my friends who are moms reported that extreme breast tenderness so maybe....

I'll send postive thoughts your way! :)

Breast tenderness and a very hightened sense of smell were my first signs this pregnancy. I had a strong feeling I was before I tested because of that. I really hope to hear good news and a positive result soon! The waiting to find out is so hard! I was in your shoes only a little more than a month ago :) Good luck!

Thanks you guys

...especially Candori - I cannot believe we're having the same symptoms ! Please please please God let me be pg after only one month of trying. We both want a baby so much and hope it happens easily.

Well, I'll know for sure this time next week and will let you all know.
I hope you are!!

I will have my fingers crossed for you that the line ends up pink!!
Breast tenderness was my first real sign too!! Also, I just kind "of knew" ..
Please let us know as soon as you know!!!
Breast tenderness is always the first sign for me. But I have occationally gotten breast tenderness before a period as well. Now the difference in the degree of sorness between pregnancy sorness and premenstral sorness is huge so with this one, when that soreness hit is when I knew.

I hope that this means that you will be expecting a little one soon but if not, don't let it get you down. I remember being devestated every month I tried for Zachary. That alone can get in the way of conceiving a baby. Just a little FYI :)

Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
:-jumpy :-jumpy
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
"Mothers are wonderful"

I called my mother last night to talk about it - she said just to wait and if the test was negative, to just keep trying, it's not the end of the world, I'm still very young, there's nothing wrong etc.. Aren't mothers great when you need to talk to them? :)

Well, mum also said that the cramps I described were similar to when she used to get ovulatory pain - but I definitely ovulated last weekend. Of course DH then said, rubbing his hands together, "Let's give it another go then" ..... so we did (just to be sure you understand....) ;-)
Men make me laugh - he said he was trying to get as much in before the pregnancy was definitely confirmed and was shocked when I said we could carry on having sex through the pregnancy - men are our first child, aren't they? So clueless !!
RE: "Mothers are wonderful"

Yep, me too, breast tenderness like nothing I had felt before. Also, I felt like I was going to get my period the whole first month of being pregnant, that bloated, dull ache feeling. I called a nurse and she said it was quite common. Anyway, best of luck to you, and yes, men are a little clueless. Wait till you tell him 'doing the wild thing' at the end of nine months can help kick start labor..he'll be thrilled!
Good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed. For me two signs were extreme fatigue (like I thought I had mono) which I did not have with this pregnancy before I found out. The second sign was waking up in the middle of the night sweating badly, again, did not have that this time around before I found out. Keep us posted!
I really can't comment on the breast tenderness, because I had trouble conceiving and was taking fertility drugs, so my hormones were supercharged each month during my cycle. There were many months I thought I was pregnant when I wasn't, and I was finally pregnant when I would have swore I wasn't.

Oh well, I just wanted to wish you all the luck and hope to hear good news from you soon!


Your post made me laugh - I was the same way. I took fertility drugs to conceive also and was absolutely sure I was not pregnant when I was pregnant with my twins. I remember the nurse drawing blood for my pregnancy test and I was whining to her about what a waste of time it was for me to be there. When I got the positive result, I just about fell over!

Fitnik, hope you have good news next week!!

Feeling so low - so sorry everyone

I’m so sorry about this girls but I’m feeling really down today about the whole thing. I just tested about half a week too early, twice (those tests are so expensive) - should have waited until AF is actually due this Saturday but couldn’t bear the wait. Of course it came back negative. I was running around like a lunatic this morning trying to find the First Response kit which allows you to test 3 days before AF is due but couldn’t find it anywhere - I was almost hysterical, I really was, and feel so depressed now at the thought that I may not be pg afterall. Right now, it really does seem like the end of the world and I had promised myself that I would not get down about this, yet find myself miserable.

I am so exhausted today, it’s as if I haven’t slept all night, yet I was asleep by 10.30/11 last night and got up at 6.30 as usual this morning to work out. My workouts normally leave me feeling invigorated and ready to go but not today. Who knows if this is a sign that I am pg afterall.

I can’t bear to wait till Saturday - no sign of PMS yet - I tend to get a dull, achey feeling just a day before I’m due, that’s all. But little/ no unusual pelvic pain like last week either. I’m now trying to be indifferent about being pg and simply don’t know what to think. Also, what doesn’t help is that I’ve told a few friends (maybe 4/5) who now keep asking me constantly if the test has come back positive - me and my extremely big mouth - I wish I’d kept quiet now.

Does anyone else relate to this? I feel really really depressed and don’t want to post at TTC forums as I find the obsession with TTC often displayed there to be extremely unhealthy. Any thoughts or prayers or advice would be much appreciated - sorry to trouble you all again - I promise this won’t happen every month.

RE: Feeling so low - so sorry everyone

You have nothing to feel sorry for. I remember going through the same exact thing. It hurts so much, I know.

My advice is, if this isn't the month, try to stop concentrating on it so much. Take each month as they come. If it doesn't happen this month then start looking forward to next month immediately. Tell yourself that it is okay for it to not happen this month. Of course you'll be disappointed and that's ok (my Stewart Smally impression). The average length it takes for a couple to conceive for the first time is 3 months - 1 year. That is concidered normal. It took us 5!

I hope this post doesn't seem preachy at all because that's not how it was meant. I have been here, believe me and it's no fun. It took so long that by the time I got pregnant with Zachary, I didn't enjoy the pregnancy at all. I wanted him here, right now no questions asked. I also firmly believe that if I didn't get so down about it each month I would have gotten pregnant sooner since I got pregnant the very month that I had decided if it didn't happen soon I was going to a fertility Dr.

OMG....I've been typing so long, my son is going to be late for school!

Hang in there WILL happen!!
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Not this month I'm afraid - must take a chill pill

Oh well, better luck next time.

Thanks very much for all your concern - really appreciated it. I promise I won't be like this every month - thanks again guys !

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