It's still too early to test but I'm way past ovulation (by about a week) and AF is due next Saturday. For the first time ever, my breasts feel so tender I can barely touch them and I keep getting a really piercing pain in both my left and right ovaries - what's going on? It's too early to test and I'm so down in case I'm not pg - last month DH and I weren't even trying and I thought I was pg when I was just a day late (I'm never late). Could this be stress-related? I haven't been stressed lately at all though and have been very relaxed about TTC!
Do any of you mums to be remember definitely feeling odd before the test results indeed came back positive? I guess it's the waiting game ... again.....
We have reason to believe conception took place last weekend (that sounds so formal, doesn't it? Like a political announcement or something !)
Do any of you mums to be remember definitely feeling odd before the test results indeed came back positive? I guess it's the waiting game ... again.....
We have reason to believe conception took place last weekend (that sounds so formal, doesn't it? Like a political announcement or something !)