Cortisone shot for piriformis syndrome?


Wondering if anyone has had a cortisone shot for piriformis syndrome? Normally it goes away after time, stretching, and Aleve, but my right booty has been driving me nuts for weeks. I'm guessing it's due to an increase in running and a decrease in other cardio activities, but I really don't know.

I haven't seen a Dr for it, except for the very 1st time it flared up, because it will normally go away. But now it is bugging me ALL the time. I
m wondering if a cortisone shot would do anything, other than give me a hole in my booty :p

I had one in my knee way back when it was giving me issues, and it didn't do anything, except for make a bruise. I had one in my foot (OUCH!!!!!!!) for PF, and it didn't do anything but hurt like !*($&!$*!$&!$%*(!%*. So I'm thinking that route may just not work for me at all.

But it hurts to sit, it hurts to stand. If I'm moving it's better, but when I stop the ouch and the ache kicks in.


There is a video on Youtube called How to Fix Piriformis Syndrome. He demonstrates some exercises that are supposed to help. Might want to check it out.
Thanks!! That straight leg thing hurts like a hoos-foos!!!! I bet that's good, though. It's loosening things up.

Thanks much!

Hi Nan...I had a mild case of piriformis about a year ago. Running I am sure aggravates it and yes I run. What really helped me was a great massage therapist. Let me tell you when she worked on that area it hurt worse than anything I have ever had...but the pain diminished in about a week.

As for the cortisone shot, it would probably help. I got one in my hip once for a bug bite that swelled really bad near my eye. What was great was for a couple of months I really had some good strong workouts as nothing hurt!...:D...

Stretching and icing that area is also good...
I have a hard rubber ball that I sit on and roll around on to help with the piriformis. When it gets sore I roll around for a couple of minutes really focusing on the area where it hurts and do this for a few days in a row, and it goes away. I found it on the web somewhere when I was searching on how to releive it.

Have you given massage or PT a chance? You might want to try that route first. I also had cortisone shots for my hip and knee and while it hurt like hell it did absolutely no good to relieve the pain. Both my hip and knee seem to hurt really bad just before my period and usually eases up.... it's a hormone thing so I'm told.

Good luck and healing thoughts!


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