Correction to FIRM Original Icons Rotation


Hi folks --

For those of you who will be receiving or have gotten Volume I of my Cathe Forums Rotations, you'll notice that Susie Frei's "FIRM Original Icons Rotation" (on page 10) is garbled. That's because Susie's moved the web page where this rotation was posted (and to which the icons in my document were linked). FIRMies know this as the "Mosquitonet Rotation" because Susie Frei has always had a web page on -- still does, just a different one. Others may know this as the original "FIRM 90-Day Rotation." By any name it's a real commitment and a great way to use your big FIRM tapes collection or see where your small FIRM collection might fit into the bigger scheme of a rotation.

Her new site is:

Check out that site and you'll find the table of all 12 weeks with the icons intact, plus a glossary of what the little icons mean.

Sorry for the confusion, and thanks to Forum member Kathy M. for bringing this to my attention.

GOT MY DVDs TODAY -- I'm off to preview now!! :-jumpy :-jumpy

Kathy S.

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