Core Max... Yay or Nay??


Just wanted some peoples opinions on it?? I would like more definition in my abs (mainly so I can feel more comfortable in a sports bra at the gym.) Is it worth $30??;(
Core Max is awesome! My abs always feel the burn on these workouts :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Another yes here. CoreMax offers 3 ab workouts, and 3 ab premixes, all coming in around 20 minutes. It is definitely worth it!

Oh Yeah! I have been using this DVD for about 6 weeks - each of the three segments once per week. I am definitely seeing definition in my abs that was not there before. I also always had a tiny bit of lower back tightness/discomfort and I am happy to say that is gone as well!
I am both yeah and nay. I like segments two and three, but could not get into the first section. (especially the levitation holds. The premixes are excellent though.
Another yes, it's very good strengthener for the lower back, and an has 3 awesome ab workouts plus some really good pre-mixes. One thing nice about Cathe workouts your never actually only buying one workout but 3 or more, for $26.

I'd like to add my two cents....DEFINITELY YES!!! I have always been quick to neglect training my abs and stretching, however, Core Max and Stretch Max have both become staples in my home video library. They are both challenging, and I have noticed a significant difference in my core strength.

Good luck!
Your friend in fitness,

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"I am only competing with the me I have yet to be..."
Sarah I was going to say the same. Core Max is great. I think ab ripper P90X (15 minutes)is harder.Those V-up roll ups really burn the abs. As Tony says I hate it but I love it.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
I'm kind of lukewarm on the first segment (those twisty moves don't seem to be kind to the spine), but I like segments 2 and 3 (though I really don't pull out this workout often at all).

Another vote for P90X Ab Ripper. The whole P90X program gave my the best ab/core results I've seen so far!
I am new to Cathe . I made it through the 1st 2 segments. The 3rd is the toughest. I thought i had a belly ache. It was my abs.
It is worth it.
Another yes vote!

I hated doing abs prior to getting into Cathe's workouts. It always killed my lower back (obvioulsy my abs were weak!) I got Core Max and love it. I do it three to four times a week and have noticed definite improvement. I went back a few weeks ago to try to do an ab section from Kelli Roberts Step It Strong that I couldn't even attempt to do before and I got through it no problem. Definitely get Core Max!

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