Core Max modifications

I am unable to do corkscrews reverse curls or any of the other exercises for the lower core. I need a few suggestions until I build up strength.

Thank you :)
Keep trying! I couldn't do them but kept trying and I still remember feeling my eyes pop out of my skull one day when, miraculously I was able to do the moves. And the next time, I did the moves WELL. Try until you get it and one day you, too, will surprise yourself.
Hi Buckeye Diva! Any exercise in which you are lying supine on your back (facing the ceiling) and you bend your knees in and attempt to lift your hips upward (remember even the attempt counts as work)will challenge the lower abs. You can initially place your feet on a chair to get the legs used to being elevated. While in this position lift hips up and roll them into your ribs (think of a can of sardines being opened, the way it peels backward) and then lower the legs back to the chair. After about 15 reps like that, rest and come back to lifting your hips straight up toward the ceiling and then lowering your feet to the chair (15 reps). As your strength developes over a period of time (2 to 4 weeks), attempt to take the chair away and let your legs lift and lower toward the floor (BUT BE SURE to keep those legs close to your body when lowering them as opposed to extending your legs away from your hips as this latter will stress the low back if not well conditioned).

Once you have mastered these low ab basics, you will be more comfy attempting the corkscrew and other exercises. \

Good Luck!

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