

Hope you all had a fantastic night? Went to bed around 12:30 pm, I was so trrired:eek:

My plan today is back & bicepes!

I will quit Insanity, I will do it around May when DH and I leave Germany.
You guys are right, I was overtraining! Never felt anything like this before? Not 3 weeks straight?

Have a wonderful rest & workout today! BBL!
2011!!!!!! I think it will be an amazing year. Last night I ate wings and chips and had beer and more beer. Today I am hoping to officially clean up my diet again. I am not sure what workout I will be doing today. I am thinking of trying out MMA Boxing. I am also going to Dick's Sporting Goods Store because I need some small things before starting STS, including 2.5 pound plates for my BB.

Belinda- I think that's teh best thing to do. You are in amazing shape from what I can tell from your lifting stats. No use pushing yourself over the limit. Happy New Year!

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Good morning,

I am done with my back & bic workout! Had great workout.

Horizontal Dumbbell Rows (double arm)
- 15's/12 reps - 2 sets (warmup)

T-Bar Rows - 75#/8 reps - 3 sets

Australian Pullups - BW/10 reps - 3 sets

Double-Arm Dumbbell Rows - 20's/12 reps - 3 sets

Barbell Curls - 55#/8 reps - 3 sets

Incline Dumbbell Curls - 18's/10 reps - 3 sets

Zottman Curls - 15's/12 reps - 3 sets

My DH. DS, DD and I will go out tonight. We are going to Nuernberg, so excited!

Thanks Kirstin! Have fun with STS! I am suprised the stores are open in the US? Everything is closed in Germany, even on base:confused:

I will be back tomorrow! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Hello ladies! Belinda I'm glad to hear you're going to cut back a bit. It never pays to push too hard, having said that today will have to be a rest day for me. I've been not admitting I'm sick since Christmas and worked out at least three times when perhaps I should have rested. Now I'm down for the count for real lol. Well guess I needed a break. I'll hit it harder when I get better but I think I better take the hint. Enjoy your day peeps whatever you choose to do with it :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR LADIES!!! How was everyone's night? Mine was very uneventful lol, but that's fine with me.

Just finished STS legs and 30 min on the elliptical. 1 more week and I will be done with STS. I kinda wish I had done the 6 1/2 month rotation instead of the 3 month one. Oh well!

Belinda, I went to bed at the same time. I actually passed out around 11:30 and Mark woke me up for the ball drop lol. I'm such an exciting person ;) Hope your quitting Insanity helps with the sleeping situation. Let us know how it goes!

Kristin, I have a good feeling about 2011 too! I hope it's a great year. Are you gonna do the 6 month or 3 month rotation for STS and are you doing squat rack or plyo legs? I love STS so much. When I'm done with this rotation, I might start the program again after my active rest week.

Heidi, good idea to take a rest! When you come back I'm sure you will hit it hard!

Tonight we are going to a show in the city and a launch party after. I hate taking the train but I hear the streets are still a mess with limited parking and I never park in the lots lol. I refuse to give NYC more of my money. I really want to go to this wing/cheese steak place down there but I guess it's kinda good it's on the other side of town since I'm sure no one else will want to travel there. They do have the best wings I've ever had though...

Have a great day ladies!
Happy New Year everyone!
Back from vacation. Need to catch up on a lot of things. Including work. It's going to be a long stretch until the next vacation..... sigh.....
Evening. I just finished MMA: Boxing. this is the first time I did it and I have to say I LOVE it. I think it is my favorite out of the MMA series. I could shoot myself for waiting this long to get it. It was a great workout and in the right amount of time too.

Well, vaca is almost over. Back to reality on the 3rd. I am also starting STS on Monday, so I am looking forward to it.

Melissa- What kind of results have you had with STS? I have read so many different opinions on results on it. It must feel great when you get to the finish. I am doing plyo legs. I don't have a squat rack and no place to put a squat rack if I bought one so, plyo it is :).

Heidi- Feel better and rest up. it is always smart to listen to your body :).

Helene- hope you had a great vacation. Welcome back!

Hello to everyone else (Cookie, Deb, Iris and Trish and Amelia)


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