**** Coolers: What a Weekend! *******


Juat getting us started. Both of my friends have phoned to cancel the run this morning. It's pouring rain and windy, the one friend was just running for fun so she said forget it and the other friend is the one that is marathon training. She said she would do her run on the treadmill (11 miles) instead. I told her she had to phone and let me know that she really did it;) She's been skipping tons of runs and is way behind her schedule and she's leaving for a two week holiday so I know she won't run when she's away.

We're going to head to the cottage but no hurry with the rain, it is supposed to clear up mid day and be a really nice weekend. ;(

Jeanette Sounds like you had a productive day yesterday with your bike ride, lawn mowing and groceries. Have fun at Costco.

Good morning,
Today was GS Biceps, Shoulders and Back. Really worked me good too! We are heading to Reno as soon as I clean up, will be back this afternoon and take off for a relaxing dinner at the lake with friends. Those dishes in the sink won't get done for a while probably. Who cares!

Kim, sorry you are having bad weather. Wow, your friend doing 11 miles on a treadmill. Sounds like me doing 50 miles on a trainer. Not going to happen here, but I guess you do what you gotta do to reach a goal. Has this friend done a marathon before? Is your DH still training for his? I hope Costco isn't too crowded this morning. The other thing we need to do is check out pavers. Should be able to get it all done and back to our burg.

Gotta move,

Jeanette, DH hasn't done his last two runs, I knew his motivation wouldn't last but his marathon isn't for a year so he'll be fine as he's run marathons with only a few weeks of training before. He just wanted to start early as he wants to make his Boston qualifying time. I think he really should wait till the fall or he will burn out.

My friend ran the half marathon last year with me but has never run a full. She probably would never have finished the half if I didn't train with her. She is more of an idea person and not so good with follow through.She hasn't phone me yet to tell me that she finished her run. Hmm, that was over 3 hours ago. Better check on her!

Decided I might as well get started on week two of the + rotation early so did Total Body. Will take my rest day while at the lake tomorrow instead.

Have a good weekend! Kim
Hi Ladies!

Went to a gentle/restorative yoga class today. It was good. The hour went by very fast for such a slow class. Tomorrow I'm going to try another studio with a gentle flow class.

I'm so relaxed right now, I think I'll take a nap.:) BBL for personals.

Good Evening Coolers

Been a quiet day around here. We won at BB last night something like 26 - 5. Went to the managers house for a beer and home around 12am. Still feeling under the weather. My cold sore that I thought I was all over came back today. So think I'll take it easy for a few more days and get rid of whatever bug I have. Went out for breakfast and then grocery shopping. DH batched cooked this afternoon while I napped with DS.:p :p Sounds like a good deal to me. Our cable was out since yesterday evening and that also means no internet. Didn't get it back until around 3pm today. The cable guy came and can't find anything wrong but replaced some connections so hopefully that'll help.:p Just being lazy now. We're going to watch Fool's Gold w/Matthew McCanauhe (sp?) and Kate Hudson shortly.

Lets see what everyone else has gotten up to:

Kim - wait to go on the awards for your DS and the grades sound great too. I guess I take "rest" day a bit more literal then you:+ I'm so close to buying P90X. I have the Cardio that I haven't tried yet so maybe I'll take it out next and view it to see if I can stand doing 90days of Tony:p So sounds like you might have gotten your rest day in after all. Some people don't seem to need as much training as others for marathons especially if they have done them b/4. Wonder if that is what you're friend is counting on. Hope you have fun at the cottage. Nope see you did a w/o after all! Well rest up to recover from any overindulgence from Canada Day

Wendy - you must be looking forward to Sunday. Hope you have a great reunion with DS. Glad to see you finally got to that yoga class. Hmm, 2 naps in 2 days. Is some of Debra starting to rub off on you.

Jeanette - laughing at the pink bag. I so have gotten into pink this past year. I wear so much neutral now and what the heck. Gone back to colour as it looks better on me. I've tried yoga on and off for about 10-12 years at a guess. Way b/4 it got so mainstream. Back when I was also doing NIA. It was so hard to find tapes back then and studios but now they're on every corner. I belonged to gyms on and off and took a lot of fitness courses as I thought about becoming an aerobics instructor. I just find doing it all at home is easier to fit it on my own schedule. At one time my sister, BF and me would be working out in front of our t.v. in the living room of our apt. It was fun. Glad you got your w/o in this a.m. We swear by the meat at Costco. I lucked out for a change that DH even cleaned up after cooking this afternoon. That never happens.:p :p

Okay, movie about to start. Will check back in tomorrow.
Hi all! Sorry I am just now getting by to say hello, but if you can believe it, today is our dog's birthday...so we have spent the day doing some doggie things. We took her to the 'bark park' and got her some doggie ice cream. Then we laid around for a while...then back outside in the sprinklers...Polly just loves that! All the neighbor girls came over to play for the birthday party too. Anyhoo...I am just watching a movie tonight...and CBL is coming back again later. No workout today..except for running around with the dog and the kids. Does that count?? I did do Eoin's quickie yesterday, plus CTX bis, tris and shoulders. Feeling lots of DOMS in my upper body since it has been a while since I have lifted...but it feels good.

Nothing else to report here...except I am irritated with my new crazy neighbors again...long story...but Ugh. Okay...sorry this is such a self involved post...but I will be back tomorrow to catch up with personals...Hope everyone is having a great evening!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi Ladies,

Last night I did CS and X-Stretch!!! Gosh, I missed Tony!!! I skipped the plank/chatarunga runs though. ;-) Yesterday, the yoga instructor noticed that I was moving forward in downward dog. It's hard for me to concentrate on every part of my body when trying to correct my back! So, when I pushed back through the butt, with good form on the back, I noticed less strain in my arms. Remembering that feeling, I watched my form with all the push-ups. Remarkably, my shoulders feel great today. No pain! :) I do have a little spinal DOMS, but that's to be expected with CS when I haven't done it in awhile.

Debra: I used your smart idea and integrated tree hugger into CS and X-Stretch last night. I think it made a world of difference. Happy belated Birthday to Polly.:D What flavor ice cream did Polly get? We have a doggie bakery near us. I still have to get Baby something from there!!! What's up with the neighbors? They're just attracted to your arms!!!! :p :+

Patricia: How are you feeling today? Wow! 26-5! Were ya'll playing against drunk 20 year olds? :D ;) That sucks about not having Internet. My home PC has been causing us problems. Thankfully, I can use my cell phone as a back-up modem on my laptop. We can't figure out the problem with our PC either. Hopefully, yours will play nice now!!!

Kim: You are a good friend to care so much about your friend's health. It must be frustrating when you care more than she does!!! Did she ever push the on button to her treadmill yesterday? Too bad you didn't live near me. I would love to use you as my personal motivator. You're so consistent with your workouts!!! Hope you are having a nice relaxing time at the cottage.

Jeanette: How was dinner with friends? LOL about the dishes waiting. Ours waited too long. Phil finally broke down and put them in the dishwasher for me. }( Shhhh... don't tell Debra! You know how she is about dirty dishes in the sink!!!! OMW! You are cracking me up!!!! Are you going to have a preorder? I've been informed at VF that I should get Taebo Beginners since Tracey's cuing sucks... for me!!!:eek: ::insert eye rolls:: So, I hope this is BASIC with at least a cuing of 2 seconds before the move. Cuz, you know alcohol delays my already slow reaction time!!!}( :+ Another thing, I think you should title it A+X Women. :+ Okay, now you're scaring me! Having a pink bag was one thing... now you're mixing different shades of pink!!! As a friend I'm saying this with love... I know you want to rehearse your new workout, but put down the beer.:7 :+ ;) Oooo! Some ??? Does your MyChelle samplers smell like old lady's perfume with a heavy rose scent or soap scent? I think my samples were contaminated. A bottle of serum accidentally came open during transit. Also, what color is your tropical skin smoother? I have two samples of it in two different colors: brownish-tan and white! WTH!!!

Okay ladies, off I go to do something productive.

Have a great day!!!
Hi girls,
I never got back on last night. Our trip to Reno was good. Got lots of meat (tri-tip, hamburger, crab, steaks). We went to the paver store and picked out the pavers we want to use. Will wait till DH prepares the ground before actually ordering and paying for them. We don't need ANOTHER stalled project around here. We never made it to the golf store. Came back home and then got ready for dinner out with friends. Right when we left home (1 hour drive to restaurant), the wind direction changed and all the smoke from the fires rolled this way. The town/lake we went to was socked in with smoke. However, the other 3 couples were sitting happily at the table outside so guess no one minded the smoke. It was all about the company. Had a really nice time. Came home and crashed on the couch, waking up at 3:30 a.m. to go to bed.

No bike ride for me this morning. Think I will do Butts & Guts, then help DH get motivated to work outside with me.

I'll check back tonite.

Good Afternoon Everyone:

Well, weekend almost over and didn't do much. Just finished Power Hour though. Got it as a SASE last week and quite liked it.

Going to go find something to eat as I'm starving.
Another busy/lazy day for me...We went to the pool with CBL and then made tacos for dinner...with lovely mango salsa that was really yummy! No workout for me today...I am hoping to get back on track tomorrow. CBL is napping on the couch right now...and I am feeling pretty beat myself. I will explain about the neighbors when I get over being so mad.

Okay....that's it for me now...gotta veg for a while! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi ladies,
This morning' workout was the standing work from Butts and Guts, then the stability ball abs from B&G. I wanted to cry for mama during those 1 legged squats and the unweighted squats. This one got me good! I thought maybe I'd do a bike ride or golf later, but DH had me busy painting all afternoon. We got a lot done today. After that, we ate the crab that we'd bought the day before at Costco for dinner. Yum. Went to Walmart and picked up a few items that we need for our camping trip on Thursday. We're still not sure if we are going where originally planned due to the fires.

My brother and his son are over right now. We're watching The Bucket List. Good movie so far.

Kim, did your friend ever do her run today? I had light intentions of riding my bike, but it was windy and felt I needed to keep my nose to the grindstone. Enjoy your rest day tomorrow.

Wendy, glad you enjoyed the relaxing yoga. I'll admit, shavasana is my favorite part. I've been trying the different MyChelle samples and my face feels wonderful. I look much younger now, you probably wouldn't recognize me LOL! Really, though, the little lines around my eyes are not so visible. No old lady perfume smell with my samples at all. I detected a little bit of banana scent with the Tropical Smoother, which I used this afternoon. Nice. The TS is tan, if I remember right. Dinner out with friends was really nice. I had the halibut but it was teeny for the price. I also had the creme brulee for dessert. Yum! A-X Women is on hold as the woods are now shut down for woodcutting. I like real life footage and cutting or chopping wood at home just wouldn't be real. You've got to have the bugs and slippery pine needles for that realistic touch. I really never drink beer when cutting wood, but back when I was into riding horses and rounding up cattle on the desert with my girlfriend, there was nothing better than cracking a cold one afterwards in the shade of the horse trailer, with your spurs a'jangling. Nothing better.

Patricia, WTG on the win!! Did you celebrate with some brewskies? Darn on that cold sore. Hope you can get rid of any bug you might have. Does your DH like to cook? Mine does, thank goodness. About the only time I cook any more is when we are camping. Is Fool's Gold about horses? Sounds like you've been working out a lot longer than I have. I've been working out for about 5 or 6 years I think. Before that was riding horses for about 20 or more years. Then started riding bikes and along the way, someone gave me a beginner's power yoga tape. That started the working out at home thing for me. We've not bought much meat at Costco before, am sure it will be good. Nothing better than camping and BBQ. Glad you liked Power Hour. That's one I don't own, yet.

Debra, LOL about Polly's birthday party today! Hope she had a wonderful time. Aren't the DOMS great when you haven't done upper body for a while? I'm wondering if I'm going to feel the legs tomorrow as I sure felt the burn today in B&G. You've got my interest re: your neighbors. Whatever did they do again? Mmmmm, mango salsa! You have the best dinners!

Well, the Bucket List movie is over. DH and I really enjoyed it. Going to head for bed soon after I do some more reading.

Nightie, night.


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