Coolers First Thread of 2009

Just finished 20 mins on the tm and GSCT. I'm going to be sore tomorrow!DH did GSCT with me but alot more complaining than anything else going on. :rolleyes:

Laurie Hope you feeling better soon! Try to get to bed early tonight for some extra sleep! I guess lots of people at the gym with their New Year's Resolutions, the regular gym people must hate that! Those young boys on TBL were so sad to see.

Jeanette I think I'll do the 6 month rotation as well. Have you done any of the 1RM? Finished week 1 of the rotation but will start week 2 tomorrow since I took Monday off. I think a good wrist support for the activities that cause pain would be a good idea, if you were close I would make you a custom one :D

Patricia I would like to hear your reviews of the CLX system, I've read differing reviews already. How are you interns? My student is very good so far! But still lots of work to constantly explain to her about why we're doing what we're doing for different patients. I'm way behind in my paperwork but she's there for 8 weeks so soon she should be more independent.

GRRR, I would like to know what key(s) I'm hitting that I lose my entire post.

Anyhow, I'm going to short and sweet now.

I did my 1st CLX w/o tonight - Burn Circuit 1. It worked mainly chest with pushups and flies and delts with posterior flies. I used 20# in each hand for the squats and my forearms were giving out b/4 my legs but I do think I'll feel it in my butt tomorrow:D Feels strange to be done in 35min and not work up a sweat.

Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day already but might do a light cardio along with some good stretching.

Kim - the interns aren't for me:( The PM's and Super's get them for out in the Field and administering their paperwork. We've had some "losers" before but it's too soon to tell. Another one starts Monday too. They will be here for either 4 mos or 8 mos. It always is nice when it's not their 1st co-op work term but in this case I think this is their 1st so we have a complete "blank slate" to work with which can be a pain.

Okay, off to bed for me.

Have a nice evening / morning everyone.
Good morning Coolers,
Today was Leaner Legs and the abs from LL. Now I remember why I dread this one and am more drawn toward Butts & Guts. Variety and it's just plain tough. And I don't use the weight that Cathe and Crew use on their barbells. Last night was Cardio Coach #6 (Candace) at Garage Boys spin. Great workout!!! My cardio capacity is improving.

Patricia, I sure like the idea of being done in 35 minutes with a workout. Are you feeling it in your glutes today?

Kim, I only did a few of the 1rm's a few months or more ago. I'm thinking that doing a 6 month rotation will help me to get those 1 rm's right the 2nd time I do the workout. DH did Ab Ripper X with me a few years ago and you wouldn't believe the grunting and groaning going on!!! LOL about your DH complaining during GS C&T.

Laurie, sure hope that headache is history now. I'm sure you could stick with 6 month rotation of STS. Shoot so many new workouts I don't think it's going to have the dread factor. And you've done 3 rounds of the X. Am positive it wouldn't be a problem for you. I think a few of the Xers are doing a 6 monther also.

Must run,

Todays workout was Kenpo+, and will do some stretching when I get home. No gym because the "Mom Van" has to come out of the garage so oldest DD can go to a wrestling match. And her BF isn't even wrestling! :rolleyes:

Kim, I'm feeling good today, because I took some OTC drugs before I went to bed last night. With the dryness of winter, I get headaches when a front comes through. So I usually know when there is snow on the ground! :rolleyes: I saw a thread yesterday on the STS form, and they had a four page downloadable sheet that you can use for your 1RM. I think it was something like 1RM even a cave man can do it. Apparently you don't have to do every exercise that is on the Workout Manager. Here I found it. Guess I was wrong it is 8 pages, but still the illustrations on how to do the exercise is nice to have.

Patricia, How are you liking the CLX workouts? Even though you are not working up a sweat, do you have any DOMS? I'm not a big fan of Charlene, but they sound like good workouts for a short amount of time.

Jeanette, I was thinking that the 6 month was doable too, because of the fact that the workout will only be the same 2 weeks in a row. And of course she does say in there to use your own cardio, so you are not committed to the same plyo workout or kb workout. ;)

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We have our own little gym going here in the basement, DH on the tm, me doing GSL and ds working on his punching bag. DD staying far away playing with her toys.

I got the Lauren Brooks dvd in the mail today so played with that for awhile, it was skipping alot and then did GSL (will leave CM3) for tomorrow. Gotta go watch ER.

Thanks for the link Laurie, will try and look at that over the weekend.

Today was GS Chest & Tricep, superset timesaver premix. I'll do a walk at work. My haircut and color turned out well. Hoping I can get it looking good myself this morning.

Kim, sorry your DVD was skipping. I hate that. How is Lauren Brook's DVD? LOL about your DD staying far away from all that fitness going on.

Laurie, I'm thinking 6 month rotation is entirely doable. Heck, Cathe's is usually the only weight work I do anyway, so what's the difference?

Patricia, hope you got a good rest yesterday. How's the shoulder?

Yesterday was a scheduled rest day already with CLX - she has 2 a week so I'm not used to that so at lunch me and another co-worker did Kathy Smith's Power Walk Matrix which is about 1/2hr. I thought I would get around to a stretch video last night but by the time I got home from DH's 1st swimming lesson I just wasn't in the mood plus I seem to be fighting a cold so just went to bed early and watched t.v. It took DH about 15min to work up to actually getting into the water:) He would only sit on the side of the pool and dangle his feet. By the end of the session he seemed to be enjoying himself - hopefully he remembers that joy next week.:p One kid never made it as far as the door. His father tried dragging him in and the kid just screamed and held onto the door frame for dear life. Poor kid.:(

Kim - saw ER last night - I must have missed the previous episode but easy to follow along. Will be glad when the show is over but wonder what else they will fill in such a good time slot with. I'm sure DD gets enough excercise at school!

Jeanette - my shoulder didn't seem to suffer from my last w/o so looking forward to tonights! I go for a manicure / pedicure tomorrow so looking forward to some pampering. Did I tell you DH got me a 1 yr package?:D :D

Laurie - I did feel it in my butt a bit yesterday but not sure if it was from curling the night before too, but will keep you informed. I'm hearing other people report DOMS and sweating so maybe I'm still not lifting heavy enough. I only go as high as 20# DB so may check out 25's or even use the bands for some of the moves as I found 20# hard to hold in each hand.

Have a great day all

So glad it is Friday! Today DD and I will be going to the gym so Legs/Shoulders plus an interval run will be my workout. Like using the gym for legs, because I can lift much heavier.

Our TV went out last night, and it appears to be a board that is not under warrently anymore. DH is still going to call to see if they will still honor the warrently, but if not he is going to be check out TV's after work tonight. Cost just as much to buy a new vs repairing the old. :mad:

Kim, That is really cool that you had a gym going last night. Wonder if it felt crowded for you. :D Unless you have some great space, but three people in my space would be like the gym on Tuesday! :eek: LOL! Dang on that DVD skipping!

Jeanette, Glad you hair turned out great, I'm sure you look just beautiful this morning. OK you convinced me to try the 6mo. My arm hurts right now from you twisting it! :D LOL! I'm such a joker! :rolleyes:

Patricia, Stretching is one of those workouts that I have no difficulty ignoring.:D LOL! I'm sure your DS will get braver and braver as time goes on. I remember being at the pool, and this little girl was screaming. That went on for a couple of weeks, and then she started to enjoy herself and became a regular fish! :D Do you use gloves when lifting weights. I found that help with the hands, at least somewhat.

CM3 and 4DS Boot Camp done this afternoon. Went this am to get my own bloodwork done as I have my annual exam next week. I'm on meds for thyroid so always got to check that. This afternoon I took ds to the pediatrician for our regular 6 week breathing test which we were supposed to do in Dec. :eek: I could tell that the new med wasn't enough for him so going back to the old med but with a stronger dosage. So now we got the 3 meds at home each at about $120 and we probably will never finish the first two. Thank goodness for insurance.:rolleyes:

Laurie So no more Cathe for you until the tv is fixed?? Or do you have somewhere else you can work out?? The basement did feel crowded yesterday but it was nice to have the company for a change.

Patricia Oh, you brought back memories. I taught swim lessons/lifeguarded throughout high school/university. I really miss it at times except the screaming 3 yr olds. Occasionally you would get a whole class of screamers :confused: but it was a great feeling if you could get them all comfortable in the water by the end of the session.

Jeanette I'm not sure yet about the Lauren Brooks dvd. I did the instructional session which was very well done, I learned alot. Then I did the 14 min workout which was 1 min workout/1 min rest :rolleyes: A little too easy. But the 40 min more advance workout looks much better but that's where it kept skipping. Will clean the dvd and try the 40 min one sometime and let you know what it's like


Todays workout was StretchX. Tomorrow I'm planning on heading to the gym for a swim.

Nothing exciting happening around here, DH is taking youngest DD to her dance class. He will be able to read his book through the whole practice. :rolleyes: I think that is why he was willing to take her. Tonight is our faire holiday party, so I need to head to the grocery store to get snacks for that. I'm going to just buy things that are ready made. :p

Kim, I do have a TV in our basement, so I will not be heading into deep depression from not getting my Cathe fix. DH has alread purchased a TV, because they are blowing them out of the stores right now because of the transistion to HD. Glad your DS has gotten the meds he needs.

Good Sat. Evening Coolers

Yesterday was CLX - Burn Circuit 2 - which I enjoyed. And today was Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. I really enjoyed Burn Intervals. She mixes cardio moves with weight moves but light weight for endurance. 1st time where I've seen you follow heavy weights up with endurance the next night. I must say I'm really enjoying this series. I was in a rush to w/o this a.m. b/4 my mani/pedi appt and it just had to be one of the longer ones :confused: go figure. Anyhow, I wasn't late for my appt so all was good.

Got home from my appt and took DS out for a snow mobile ride. Had to coax him out as he was scared but I promised to go slow so he came out and we could barely get him off it to come inside afterwards:rolleyes::D:D

DH is going out with some guys tomorrow on the trails so maybe if I get motivated enough in the a.m. I'll take DS to the Y for swimming.

Laurie - I used to own gloves for weight lifting when I went to the gym years ago but they may be a good idea to pick up again. Just my 20#s have a rough handle on it that digs into my palm. LOL about your son taking DD to class. I was just speaking to my SIL and my nephew just got a truck so I asked if he was driving his sister to school with him and absolutely not - teenagers I guess:p Hope you have fun at your party. Nice way to extend the holidays:p

Kim - are you guys warming up out there yet? I saw how cold it had been there. I don't think you could get me out in -40. I hope you get the meds sorted out for DS. I know when my DH was diagnosed with diabetes it took a long time to get his right. I asked him once about whether he would participate in a study for some new drugs and he said absolutely not, he wouldn't want to go through that ever again. Can say I blame him.

Okay, take care everyone
Just a quick one here. I just got done with most of GS Legs, then Segment 3 of Coremax. Have to shower, then get ready to leave for golf game in Reno with couple girlfriends. Supposed to be warmer there and our tee time is 12:30. Will be meeting DS there for a bit on the range. Yesterday was some cardio from Christi Taylor (fun), no bike ride with newbie, just too cold. I called her and cancelled. Also had grandson's birthday party, which was nice too.

Patricia, glad CLX is fun for you. That's wonderful that your little one enjoyed the snowmobile ride! Kind of reminds me of my DH. He just doesn't like trying new stuff but after he does, he usually likes it. Enjoy the swimming today.

Laurie, how was the faire party? Are you the queen yet? Hope there is no bad feelings this year for your DH to have to deal with.

Kim, did you get the KB DVD to work? Yes, thank goodness for insurance. I'll be taking a rest day tomorrow and then will be back with the January rotation, 4DS or other.

Gotta run,
Afternoone All

Just did Burn Circuit 3 - I'm really trying to push the weights, lets hope I don't live to regret it:D:D Oh, I have to call BB and complain as there was music at the beginning of the w/o then it disappeared. I see a short thread about it over on VF so I'm not the only one. This w/o is on the same disc as Burn Circuits 1 & 2 and I have no issues with them.:mad:

Went out and played in the snow this a.m. as it was a beautiful sunny day out (but still cold of course). I pulled DS around on the tobaggon so I was sweatin:p He is down for his nap now so time for me to relax. Must get a shower in though and go grocery shopping at some point this afternoon.

Jeanette - have fun at your golf game. I still can't believe your the lazy X'er. You always seem to still fit in a w/o and then go and golf or bike ride. :p:p

Have a nice finish to your week everyone. BTW 24 on is tonight, yippee.
Busy day with church and then the whole family went rock climbing :D Going to have sore forearms tomorrow. Lots of fun.

Soon I'm going to get 4DS Kickboxing done.

Glad you got out to enjoy the winter!
It is warmer here this weekend but supposed to get real cold again. Well when it's -40 nobody really spends much time outside.
Renee Zwellieger (?sp) and Henry Connick Jr were here last winter to film a movie and yesterday there was a press release as the movie is coming out. They were complaining big time of having to come here. The quote in the paper today from Connick was "The people in that town are amazing, but let's just be real: It's not human to live in a town like that, That's just crazy cold!" I guess that he won't be moving here anytime soon. LOL

Jeanette Enjoy your game today! I haven't tried the kb dvd again, planning to do it on Wed which is the rest day for the Jan rotation

Laurie Have fun at your party!


Todays workout has been Kimberly Spreen's Box-n-Flow. After work will be weights of Back and Triceps.

Will not be on to chat tomorrow, because I'm heading up north with my DB and DS's for a funeral. My Uncle passed away on Saturday from a long battle with cancer.

Patricia, Glad those workouts are so good. I can just see you trying to dislodge your DS from that snowmobile. :D LOL! I have to really be aware of the the riders around here to, just not used to seeing them so often.

Jeanette, Nope I never want to be the Queen! Just a countess is fine.:rolleyes: LOL!

Kim, I bet that Harry wouldn't want to live around us either. We are heading for the deep freeze this week. Can't say that I'm looking forward to temps in the -20's. :(

Have to get going to a meeting, chat with all of you later.

Evening Coolers

Got my w/o in as soon as I got home from work so I could watch 24 at 8pm:p Let me tell you that Burn It Up s/b named "barf it up". It is an interval - cardio drill w/o that doesn't give you much recovery time. I had a hard time finishing it and it was only 27min with w/u and c/d:mad: I followed it with Recharge which is a 20min stretch routine - a lot of yoga. I ended up just watching it as I did my own stretches. Tomorrow is suppose to be a scheduled rest day but may do some additional cardio or start up with week 2 immediately. We're going down to T.O. Sat am for the Monster Truck show so will have some difficulty getting in my workouts. We will see.

Laurie - I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure you would rather be visiting with your family so soon after Xmas for better reasons.

Waving hi to Kim & Jeanette

Okay, time to concentrate on 24.:p:p
FInished the last of the 4DS series almost done week 2 of the Jan rotation.

Laurie So sorry to hear about your loss. Keep safe on those winter roads.

Patricia So glad that you're enjoying the new series. DH and ds have been glued to 24 as well.

Jeanette Are you sticking with the Jan rotation? Hope you're doing ol

Hi ladies,
Was my rest day today, though I did get in a good walk during my break. Tomorrow I start back with 4DS Boot Camp. Had a great time golfing in Reno with my girlfriends. Beautiful course, though it's January and the grass hasn't started growing yet, but still nice. Our weather is supposed to be in the 50's all week. Crazy.

Kim, I'll be on the 2nd day of Cathe's Jan. rotation. I like the weight work, but Boot Camp isn't one of my favorite cardio workouts. Were your arms sore from the rock climbing?

Patricia, your workout sounds intense! Better you than me with the Monster Truck show! My kids always liked those kinds of things and still will watch on TV.

Laurie, be careful driving to the funeral. So sorry for your loss. Brrrr... -20's!!! Yikes.

Will check in tomorrow.
Today was 4DS Boot Camp. Good one! I'm going to go practice some golf after work. Probably do a walk during my break, so an active day, I hope.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Good Morning Coolers

Yesterday was a rest day but I decided to do at least some ab work so did the stability ball w/o from Kathy Smith's Tummy Trimmers. Tonight will be Burn Circuit #1. This will be the start of week 2 of the rotation so good to get a 2nd look at all the workouts. I'm even using a log and tracking my weights.

Jeanette - so envious of you at least seeing the grass. DS has been asking for the grass to come back.

Kim - thanks for sending your COLD weather our way:( -35 today. Even the school buses are not running - probably b/c they don't want the kids to stand out in the cold?

Have a good day all

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