Cooking without flour?


Do any of you gals or guys cook without flour? Do any of you cook with rye or whole wheat flour? If you are substituting whole wheat flour in a recipe that calls for typical flour, do you use the same amount? Thanks! We should really start a favorite recipe thread!
Hi Jillybean,

I haven't cooked with flour for a year now. I bake most chicken/beef/fish but if I have to pan fry I use Pam olive oil cooking spray, it has 0 calories/0 fat.
I haven't baked in over a year, but I plan to start again, and when I do I'll use whole wheat flour.
There was a couple of good suggestions made on substituting whole wheat flour under the post: whole wheat recipes (Mar. 29) if you want to take a peek.
I haven't used flour for two plus years now. I barely use sugar either.

I'd like to know what type of things you're using flour for so I can help with some substitutions that won't hurt the flavor of your foods.


Keta. :D

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