Convince me to buy the 8 Pack!


Active Member
How much were the new vids before June? I feel like if I don't order now before the end of June I'll loose out on over $60 in savings...
My husband is gonna kill me. I shall do something VERY NICE for Father's Day and say, "Honey, can I talk to you about something?" Just kidding! I wouldn't want to cause my hubby to go insane on me on HIS day!
O what, O what shall I do??
You NEED these videos! :)

In the May pre-sale the price was $90 including shipping. Even with the higher price in June, it's still an amazing deal! If it should turn out that you don't like them ( HA! ) they will be excellent trade bait to get tapes on the video fitness video exchange. But just think about the incredible variety you'll have for your workouts with these videos. There will be step, hi/lo/ kickboxing, and some kickboxing ON the step. Talk about easy crosstraining! ( Okay, not EASY, but not having to figure out what to do!
) The 6 pack videos are short enough that you'll be able to more easily work them in around your busy schedule. You can do some awesome combos by putting various aerobic sections together. All in all, it would be detrimental to your long term fitness program NOT to get these videos!

How's that? Always glad to help someone else justify buying videos!

Have a great day!

AND... add to Erin's reply, if the videos are easier to fit into your busy schedule, just think of all the EXTRA time you will have to spend with your hubby!! Hee-Hee! Like Erin said, we LOVE to spend other's $$$.

If you LOVE Cathe

then you have to get them or you will be regretting it. Just think of reading everyone's excited posts over at VF (not to mention reviews) and wishing you had them!

Plus I really think the shorter cardio on the 6-pack will give people great results if they are looking to build muscle.

One more reason to buy them

I need company in the poor house!

This is a longterm investment you will never regret. Eight videos for $90? It's too good to be true. And you know that anything Cathe and Step N Motion produces is guaranteed to be a quality workout.

I took a kickboxing class from Cathe a few months ago -- and I can assure you that you MUST have this video!
Your Health...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-00 AT 11:30AM (EST)</font></center>

regular exercise is not only fun and helps us look better on the outside, it helps up on the inside too. I am almost 46 years old and look and feel much, much younger. At a time when many of my colleagues are beginning to see the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and joint problems, I am running up three flights of stairs daily at work several times a day. I never take elevators unless I am with a sedentary colleague. Anyway, the 8 pack is a long term investment in your health and much less expensive than medical care once you develop health problems. I commend you for taking responsibility for your fitness and well being.
Your comment about elevator vs. stairs . . .

...reminds me of when I was working in a two story building & how many people - fat & thin! would take the elevator instead of the stairs!

My office was close to the stairs & so many people coming to see me would be out of breath climbing one flight of stairs!

Exercise enriches your life in so many ways!

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