Contemplating DVD


I love the sound of all the great customizing one can do with DVD workouts. But I'm just wondering what all you folks do with your VHS tapes that aren't workouts. Do you keep your VHS VCRs for movies, homemade vids, etc? What about space considerations? I'm thinking about getting a DVD player just for workouts--would that be insane? Thanks in advance for all opinions.

I got one just for workouts. They aren't really that expensive (I got a cheap one) and I figure that like all technology, it won't last forever so why spend bocoup (?) bucks on lots of bells and whistles. I kept the VCR and just put it on top. So what if there are ten stereo components there now. It doesn't touch the ceiling yet! :p

I got a Pioneer 5-disc fully programmable (from the DVD player list on but I find that I don't even pre-program. It's quicker just to stop and play the next one.
I bought a DVD player just for workouts. Now when I rent movies I rent the DVD's rather than the VHS. I still have some VHS movies that I store on the rack with the DVD's and I've given away or sold the workout vids that I replaced with DVD's.

let me say I LOVE DVD's.

Also, there is now a product that has a DVD and a VHS player in one componant, if you are really pressed for space. And the space you will save using DVD's rather than tapes is incredible.

I guess I'm saying, go and BUY that DVD player RIGHT NOW and then get back on line and order ALL of Cathe's DVD's.


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