Constant Muscle Improvement - please read


So here it is. I know this is not a cathe dvd or video, but i thought i wouls share with you something that is working amazing with me and my clients (i'm a personal trainer). Here is the workout. Pick a bodypart to train, say Chest and Back, then you give yourself 20 minutes to complete as many reps as you can for those body parts (ie -chest press and bent over row - example). Now you have a record of how many reps you did. Keep this noted in a book or somewhere safe. Now next time you train Chest and Back your goal is to try and do more reps than you previously did. Simple as that. Do more total reps than the previous sessin. Even if its only 3 more, its progress and you will see improvements. When you can do 20% more reps its time to move up weights or change to a different exercise, which ever comes first. Please be warned, this program will give you sore muscles. I mean really sore. Ouch! This program works so quickly. I have lost bodyfat and improved my appearance more than any other training (weight training) program i've ever been on. Please ladies and guys, give this ago. Let me know what you think. Wayne :)
Hi Wayne :)
That is a great method. In fact, when I worked out in the gym this is exactly how I worked out. Every week I would add more weight or reps. It's amazing how fast you will see results. I lost a lot of body fat without changing my diet or doing cardio. Lifting heavy weights is the best way to shed body fat! And yes, you will get some muscle soreness. ;)

p.s.-not saying you shouldn't do cardio or eat a good diet, but wanted to let you know I saw amazing results with just lifting weights.
Hi T,

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes i lost alot of body fat with weights only. I kinda want a all round fitness routine for myself so i do 30 mins of weights daily, 20 mins of Cardio, 10 of core work and 10 of yoga stretch. I love the way i feel and look at the moment. I go core work with Cathe and IMAX or similar for the cardio, just not the whole tape! Weights always come first, when i have the most strength. Thanks for the tips.

Wayne. :)
Hi Wayne--

This is intriguing me.. A couple of questions if you don't mind answering them.

1. Do you put any rest time in between the reps? If so, how many reps should you strive for before resting?

2. Do you recommend pairing push/pull muscles for this technique.. doing 2 bodyparts / session?

3. Would you then do only one exercise /bodypart/day? Or do you switch exercises as well. ie.. if you were working chest and back would you do chest presses til exhaustion, then switch to t-bar rows, then switch to flys, then switch to bentover rows?

Thanks in advance for your answers. I have been getting great results by incorporating more heavy lifting into my routine,and this sounds like a good switch from my current S & H routine.

Hello. Yes only one exercise per body part please. Ie - chest press and t-bar row (example only). Rest? Rest as much as you need, i go straight from chest press to t-bar row. As i get tired i increase the rest more. The rest is included in the 20 minute time intervale. The really good thing about this technique is that you are getting constant feed back. You have a clear goal - to do more reps than the previous workout. Simple as that. Say you did 105 total reps in the chest press, great but next time you must do 106 plus in the same time frame. This way you are forcing your muscles to do more work in teh same about of time. Then when you can do 20% or more reps (than you originally did) its time to increase the weight or change exercises. Simple, perfect and really really works. You will lose bodyfat, gain strength and look oh so good. I did, my clients do and this is the only system that i don't have to think to myself "now, what else can i do to make my body grow, change, lose fat, etc..." All i have to do is do more work in the same time frame. Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest. Lots of love, and good luck (cause the muscle soreness is a killer!!!).


PS - when you are really really good you can do three lots of 15 minutes...but will get to that another time!
Hi Wayne--

Thanks for the clarification.. My current rotation ends next week.. With a trip to Key West at the end of April, I think this might be the ticket for looking better in the bathing suit!!

A couple more questions if you don't mind...
Do you usually pair Chest w/ back, tris/bis, Shoulders/legs??

Also, do you use this philosophy for abs as well? What do you pair it with and what would be a good ab exercise to do for this?

Thanks again for the info!

20 minutes long time? Not really. If you think it's too long then don't try it. At the end of the day i know many many people who spend 2 hours plus aday doing aerobics, isn't that toooooo much? This principle is sooo simple that it is almost laughable. Do more work (reps) in the same time frame and you will grow, lose bodyfat, get firmer, etc... Simple. I do abs seperate and just to regular ab work. Shoulders and legs done on same day, but i don't work shoulders that much as they get plenty of work from the chest and back work.
I'm assuming you must keep the weight pretty light? Also if I were doing say, the chest press w/ bent over row, I do as many as I can of the chest press, go to the bent over then back to the chest press etc. til the 20mn is up?
Now then the next day would I do the same thing to 2 other parts?
I must say I'm intrigued!;-) Susan
You wouldn't be able to go back and forth without rest as you would die! Rest as much as you like within those 20 mins. If you want to go a chest press then rest 30 secs then do bent over row rest that is fine too. Anything is ok, as long as you keep note of the way you did it so that next time around you do the same, but with the goal in mind to increase the number of weights. So many people fail in the gym with weights cause there is not consistant tension (ie - work load increase). This way you have constant feed back every time you go. Simple. Weight should be as heavy as you can handle for say 10 reps. Last rep should always be hard.
Thanks for getting back to me! I meant to add in that I would be resting but forgot! ;-) Yes, I'd definetly be dragging if I didn't !
Do you do chest/back one day then say go and do this to 2 other body parts the next ?
Also, if I'm using 15# dumbells for my bent overs. The next time I work them should I (a) keep the weight at 15 but increase the amount of reps accomplished or (b) increase the weight and TRY to increase the amount of reps as well.
Thanks for answering all these questions! Stay strong- Susan
This sounds most interesting. But for those of us who need a "step-by-step" explanation, could you take us through, say, a whole week? For instance, Sunday work chest press ??# for 10 reps, rest 30 sec, then to bent over rows 10 reps, rest 30 sec.; back to chest press, etc. untill 20 min is up. Tues: bicep curl/tricep extension, etc. Or however you do it? That might clear up a lot of confusion.:)
Hi Wayne! Thank you for sharing your program with us! I ,too,love to do a non video day to break the montony ! I'd love to see your whole program outlined on this method with the exact exercises that you selected if you get time! I'm a stopwatch junkie,I just got done teaching a kickbox class with 10 intervals of 2 minute bootcamp drills--working under time does matter (IMHO)nothing beats the intensity! Most of the programs I create are with a stopwatch , we can swap ideas;-) I'm looking forward to seeing your program and giving it a test spin!TIA for writing it out!
Example only, use whichever exercise suits you best.

Monday – 20 minute time frame (use a stop watch)

Bent Over Row (using barbell)

Chest Press (dumbbells)

Tuesday – 20 minute time frame (use a stop watch)

Leg Extensions

Leg Curl

Thursday – 20 minute time frame (use a stop watch)

Triceps Press down (cable)

Ez Bar Biceps Curl

Note: I have left out shoulder work as I feel that the chest press and bent rows take care of that, but if you feel the need to add some in, feel free, but please don’t use this principle. The shoulder joint is pretty delicate and you don’t want to damage it.

the two exercises are performed in alternating fashion, back and forth, until the time frame has elapsed.Rest as needed between.

After warming up the first 2 exercises, select a load that approximates a 10-12 RM for each exercise. Ideally, the weight used for each exercise should be equally difficult.

Each time you repeat the workout; your objective is to simply perform more TOTAL repetitions in the same TIME FRAME with the SAME WEIGHT. Apply the 20/5 rule: as soon as you can increase the total number of reps by 20% or more, start the next workout withy 5% more weight and start over. After 4 – 6 workouts, change exercises.

Thats it! No pre-ordained numbers of sets, reps, or rest periods. It's entirely up to you. Your job is only to complete the 20-minute work period, and then improve on it the next time around. Good Luck Ladies



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