Considering Basic Step/Body Fusion - Which Step?


Hi All,

I have been working out for 2-3 months and consider myself a high beginner/low intermediate exericser. I am considering the Basic Step/Body Fusion DVD. Of course, I would also need to purchase a step. Any pointers here?

I am leaning towards "The Step", but I can't decide between the home (11"L x 25" W, with 4"&6" heights) or club (14"L x 40" W with 4"&6"&8" heights) size. From my research, there is a $30 difference, plus with the smaller one at many places you get Cathe's all step VHS included.

Does the home size (smaller) one offer enough surface to safely complete the beginner workouts? And, if I decide that I like step, will I need to purchase the club size (larger) one to progress with Cathe?

I am so torn!

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions!
Valerie :)

I would get the club size. Cathe uses it for her step workouts. The only workout she uses the home step for is Body Fusion and you can use the club size to do that. All the club steps that I have seen have a free VHS Cathe workout included (All Step from the CTX series). I really believe that you will want the larger (club size) step as you progress.

Good luck,

Definitely the club step. I have both, and rarely use the home step except for the rare occasions when I do my old Jane Fonda or Kelly Roberts vids. In fact, I was so excited when Cathe released her Body Fusion DVD because I finally found a new use for the home step that was gathering dust in my basement!
i originally bought the smaller step at walmart.. did both basic step and body fusion with them.. then ordered the club step and returned the smaller one...

i love the club size step!
Hi Everyone- Thank you for replying!

Where did you find the clup size step? Locally or online?

Again, thank you for your help!

Valerie :)
I got my club step at I couldn't find one anywhere for under $75 at the stores in town. I think I paid about $60 (including S&H). They offer two different steps, get the one with teal risers because the grey and black one is shorter. At least that's what was offered when I checked a year ago.
If you decide to continue with Cathe's workouts, I would opt for the longer step, because this is what she uses in all the other ones thus far. I just received Basic Step/Body Fusion yesterday and when I previewed it, it looked as though you could easily use the longer step with it. As you start collecting Cathe's other workouts (and you know you will - LOL!!), you'll eventually need to purchase the longer step. Some of those routines use the full length of the bench, and I'm concerned you'd be frustrated with the choreography trying to do them on a shorter bench, but that's just my humble opinion. :) I guess you have to do what's best for your credit card! :)

Hope you enjoy Basic Step/Body Fusion!! I haven't tried it yet, but it looks awesome!!

Good price point at this website, this is where I purchased my club size step,
I went to sportsmart and they wanted 89.99, I said thanks but no thanks, found this website and have ordered things from it since...
Hope this helps....

All I want in life is LOVE & PEACE.....
Definitely the Club Step. Here is another link for it at Fitness Wholesale. (It is $69.00+S/H) Their customer service has always been great!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I just did Body Fusion for the first time today and used the longer Club Step. It worked fine I thought, but that's just my opinion. The only issue I can see in being a beginner with this particular workout and the longer step is in the second step combo where we go over the length of the step. Obviously with the longer step, it's a more difficult move because you're traveling further, but other than that I think the long step worked fine. Still though ... as I was doing the workout I thought ... "hmmm ... that shorter step would fit in this room just fine ... " LOL!! Here I go again ... (now where did I put that credit card ??????)

You know it's interesting.. I couldn't make up my mind, so I took a Step 1 class at the Y yesterday morning. Keep in mind that it was the first time that I ever been on a step, the first time in a fitness class in almost 10 yrs. We used the club step and there were times that I struggled getting over the complete step (travel moves). So, last night we went to Sports Authority and I laid both of the steps on the ground and did some of the traveling moves on both of the steps. I didn't have any problems with the shorter step. My plan is to stay within the more athletic style step workouts - since complex choreography is not my thing.

If you are going to get the smaller step, Wal-mart has it with a VHS Cathe workout for $23.88, compared to Sports Authority that has it for $49.99.

I am going to get the BS/BF. My plan is that as I progress, I will just up the height of the step. Question for you.. have you done the upper/lower body workouts on that BS/BF DVD? I was just wanting to hear someone's thoughts on them.

Thanks for your help!

Wow! Thanks for letting us know WalMart has that step at such a great price!! I found it on Fitness Wholesale Online for about $45. Thanks again!!


Forgot to answer your question!! I've done both the upper and lower body add-ons, as well as the abs add-on on the BS/BF DVD. The abs one is done on the ball, but you can do it on the floor as well and I thought it was just as effective, for me anyway. Both upper and lower body add-ons are 20 minutes, and they're decent workouts, but they aren't something I'd use on their own. For someone who is beginning though, I think they're a nice add-on to perhaps Basic Step. Or, you could do the warm-up from either Basic Step or Body Fusion, do either (or both!) add-on's, then add the abs add-on for a total body workout. Yesterday Nik (my daughter Nicole) and I did the warm up from Body Fusion, the Lower Body Sculpt add-on, the Abs add-on, then the stretch from Body Fusion. About 40 minutes total, and it was just enough for her (she's 13), and a nice "intermediate" workout for me. I love this DVD because there are SO many ways in which you can use it!

Hi Carol,

I am a high beginner/low intermediate exerciser. I have dumbbells, but do not have barbells, etc. I would like to get some Cathe strength workouts, but all of the ones that I have seen require a barbell. I would prefer doing hi-reps/low weights, with seperate workouts (upper and lower). I have been doing Tamilee's I want that body and Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2 - but, I am not fond of the KS workout, and I need more than one workout! Any suggestions?

Also, do you know what KPC is classified as? I just got into kickboxing a few weeks ago, and would like one more to add to a Janis Saffell workout that I have.

Hi Val, I can't think of any of Cathe's strength training workouts where you couldn't easily substitute dumbells for the barbell. In fact, I can think of a few people here who prefer using dumbells instead of the barbell. From what you've said, it sounds like you might enjoy Muscle Endurance. It works both upper and lower, but it's more of an endurance type workout than a mass building one. You can easily modify to lower the weights at first, and you don't necessarily have to use a barbell. Same with Power Hour. Cathe works one body area at a time in that one, as opposed to switching back and forth a bit in Muscle Endurance between upper and lower, and between body parts. Of course, you can always get the Pyramids, where it's not only easy to use dumbells instead of the barbell in Pyramid Lower Body, it's also more practical. Cathe and her crew change those plate weights with lightning speed in that one, and I can't keep up with them! LOL!! It's designed more as a mass building workout, but it would work lower and upper separate like you prefer. I'm sure others on here will have more suggestions as well.

As for KPC, I would consider this a cardio workout, but plenty of folks on here find it gives them results with leaning out when they use it regularly because it really works your arms and legs!! Hope this helps!!


I am sorry, look at my KPC question, I realized that I didn't ask the question too well. I was wondering, is this intermediate or advanced? I have the new QuickFix Cardio Kick with Janis and I really like it, but I was looking for another kickboxing workout for variety. I am just wondering if I could do KPC, or is there a better one to start with?

Thank you for your strength suggestions. I just don't want to accumulate every piece of fitness equipment LOL.

Valerie, I would call KPC advanced. It's a tough one, but a very effective one. Cathe has a workout called Cardio Kicks that features a lot of kickboxing, and is much better suited I think to a beginner or intermediate exerciser. You're welcome for the suggestions, and I totally understand about not wanting to buy every single piece of equipment! It's difficult to stop once you start! Hope this helps!!


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