confusion re; dumbells-upper arms


New Member
I'ts not that I don't trust my exercise person, but after 30 minutes of spin, we go to weights and ab work . I've been doing this 3-week since last November and beginning to see some upper arm definition. Im starting to have chronic left neck and shoulder blade pain from doing a forward extension from thigh to chest, keeping elbow slightly bent. and then a side extension from thigh to chest level. It starts to hurt--I stop for a week. I do less reps--still hurts---I stop---I go less reps/lighter weights--still bad---I stop---now Im down to one rep and alternating with resistance bands still got trouble. Deep tissue massage takes care of it--but I'm spinning my wheels here. I really think it has something to do with form but Im not getting any help from the teacher. Can you suggest alternate exercises maybe using the body bars--i have acess to weights ranging from 12-34 lbs. Thanks
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-02 AT 05:16AM (Est)[/font][p]From your description, I can't tell what exercises you're referring to. Does your instructor give the exercises a name? I'm baffled as to what kind of upper arm work you're talking about. It sort of sounds like lateral and front raises for shoulders.

We'd love to help, just need some clarification.
Dear Honeybunch,

thank you for answering. I meet again on Monday with the teacher and I will ask what these upper aram exercises are called. Im sorry to be to stupid. This is all pretty new for me. I havent done any upper arm for two days, and the pain is almost non exisitant. I really think its the exercise and not anything chronic. Ill let you know and thank you so much
No, you are NOT stupid, you just don't have the knowedge you'd like to on this particular subject. To continue to work with that pain without questioning it and wanting to fix it WOULD be stupid.

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