concentrating on fat loss...


New Member
In your experience as the "educated crowd" ;), could you advise me? If I am at the moment concentrating on fat loss, would I be better served by doing cardio alternating with circuit-type workouts for my strength training, or doing heavy full-body (or alternating upper/lower) to hit each body part once a week, devoting the rest of the time to cardio, or something else altogether? Any advice would be much appreciated! I get so confused!
I am also going to be trying this approach, since my upper body has gotten a lot of attention (from my workouts) for the past 5 months. It's time for a fat loss rotation but I don't want to lose my muscle mass in my upper body.

I think I am going to concentrate on cardio 6 days, then try and do my upper body HEAVY 2-3 times per week, as time allows.

I was wondering if I can maintain with one REALLY intense lifting day per week, working all the muscles in the arms, shoulders and back?
This is sort of where I'm at too....I have muscle in my upper body that I want to maintain, but need to lose some fat now. I tried to do some research on the internet, but mostly found studies of older people being able to maintin muscle mass with once-weekly workouts.

The other thing I found that was interesting, though not a scientific study, was Kim Lyon's web site and her routine:
Basically, it sounds like she does heavy weights/less reps for arms and back, light weights/higher reps for chest, but upper body only once a week. The rest of the time is unweighted or light weight legs and cardio.

I may give that a try. Maybe the CTX upper body only once a week would be just the ticket for the once a week upper body?
What is really great for fat loss is doing interval at least 2 times a week but not doing them back to back. I would still do your strength workout hitting each muscle 2 times a week or doing a heavy 1 body part a week. Also what you mention circuit style is good.
I agree with the idea of doing at least 2 interval workouts per week. I have a lot of fat that I want to lose. I did mostly firms last year and I lost some weight, but not like I wanted to and it took a long time. I believe the reason I didn't is because it was not enough cardio for my body. I love step aerobics and hi-lo because in order for me to lose fat, I have to do it. I also lift weight because as I am trying to lose weight, I don't want to lose muscle. It is definitely a good idea to do both. Just so you have an idea, this is what my rotation looks like next week:

M - Step Blast + Weights
W - Cardio & Weights
F - Rhythmic Step
Sa - Step, Jump & Pump
Su - Rest

Essentially a cardio intensive routine, but it does not lack weights. You definitely need both, but unless it is a circuit workout, I like to do them in separately.



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