Computer virus


Hi Everyone,
I would really like your advice concerning an acquaintance's computer virus.
I gave her my email address one time, and now she has two very dangerous virus. Everytime she turns on her computer, I get messages from my Norton antivirus, warning me to quarantine and then delete. This happens almost everyday, sometimes several times during the day. This has been going on for 3 weeks.

I have told her four times now, that her computer is doing this. I have asked her to delete my name from her address book so as not to keep sending me this virus. She says she doesn't know how.!!!! I even offered to help pay for her to have someone come out and use and Industrial antiviris software on it.

She refuses to have this done. My question: would you change your name with your ISP? And, do you have seperate accounts for your email to your friends such as Hotmail or AOL etc?

I hate to go to all the trouble of changing my addresses with Norton, Cathe, etc, but I see no other recourse.

Thank you so much for your advice and any experiences you may have had along these lines.

You could use "block sender" on your email program to have your computer automatically delete any messages from her address. I do this to any message with odd topics that also contain attachments (which I'm pretty sure are attempts to spread a virus). I'm not sure that the block sender will quarantine the viruses within a message itself, but it works on attachments.

Sounds like you friend is very inconsiderate! Do you live near her? Could you go out and show her how to delete your name from her address book ? Or give her instructions over the phone (if she's that dense?).
Thanks for responding Kathyrn,
Yep, I put a block sender on her. The entire message is infected so I get the 'your mail has a virus' message. Thank heavens for that warning.
She lives quite a few miles away, but I have told her over the phone how to delete addresses. Her reply was "I'll see what I can do." Her main concern is..."I can't understand how I got this virus. I keep getting messages on learning how to hack somebody's computer."
It is like 'poor me I've got a virus' not 'sorry I'm causing you headaches.'
I truly can't understand why she is being so stubborn with this problem. It is almost as bad as when someone is sick and deliberately tries to get as many people he can to be sick with him. That is just plain Stupid!
And I feel just awful to think bad thoughts about people. :-(

Again, I appreciate your taking the time to share ideas.

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