Hi Everyone,
I would really like your advice concerning an acquaintance's computer virus.
I gave her my email address one time, and now she has two very dangerous virus. Everytime she turns on her computer, I get messages from my Norton antivirus, warning me to quarantine and then delete. This happens almost everyday, sometimes several times during the day. This has been going on for 3 weeks.
I have told her four times now, that her computer is doing this. I have asked her to delete my name from her address book so as not to keep sending me this virus. She says she doesn't know how.!!!! I even offered to help pay for her to have someone come out and use and Industrial antiviris software on it.
She refuses to have this done. My question: would you change your name with your ISP? And, do you have seperate accounts for your email to your friends such as Hotmail or AOL etc?
I hate to go to all the trouble of changing my addresses with Norton, Cathe, etc, but I see no other recourse.
Thank you so much for your advice and any experiences you may have had along these lines.
I would really like your advice concerning an acquaintance's computer virus.
I gave her my email address one time, and now she has two very dangerous virus. Everytime she turns on her computer, I get messages from my Norton antivirus, warning me to quarantine and then delete. This happens almost everyday, sometimes several times during the day. This has been going on for 3 weeks.
I have told her four times now, that her computer is doing this. I have asked her to delete my name from her address book so as not to keep sending me this virus. She says she doesn't know how.!!!! I even offered to help pay for her to have someone come out and use and Industrial antiviris software on it.
She refuses to have this done. My question: would you change your name with your ISP? And, do you have seperate accounts for your email to your friends such as Hotmail or AOL etc?
I hate to go to all the trouble of changing my addresses with Norton, Cathe, etc, but I see no other recourse.
Thank you so much for your advice and any experiences you may have had along these lines.