Hey guys; thanks so much for the kind words. Yes, the police have been involved several times. Several reports and a few incidences. No actual restraining order yet, even though all police officers are behaving as though I do have one (it's a pretty small town). We figured that would just send him off the deep-end and REALLY create problems. But I'm doing my best. I will probably be quitting this job soon (even though I love it to death) as the anxiety from being alone and vulnerable is too much.
It all breaks my heart, too, because I had been in turmoil and extraordinarily depressed about leaving him for a very long time prior to the breakup. I knew I couldn't stay, but I so couldn't stand breaking his heart. I almost did make the sacrifice and stay, though, just to keep from hurting him. He thinks, though, that I am a careless, evil human being and everything I do is to hurt him intentionally.
All communication now is through e-mail. I don't write back. He does come into work occassionally, but the entire school watches out for me. The man I am dating is a teacher here, and my ex is also actively working to have him fired. So everybody is informed of what's going on one way or another. We have a wonderful security staff, too!
Marie, I'm so sorry about the vertigo. I've had very short bouts of it, and it never fails that I am vomiting for days afterwards because my stomach is so sensitive to that
. I hope it is simply an ear infection and gets better! Mine was due to excess wax at one point and I had to have large amounts of it removed.