COMMITT to get FIT and LEAN may 9


Good Morning girls

Ive got a couple of things going on today! First,my DD's classroom is having "Muffins For Moms" today. So i will be going to that first,thought it was adorable;-). Then i have to go to the dreaded walmart and gets some much needed grociers. Then i have to come home and workout. Which ive got a nice sweat fest planned. a PW then some abb work and then some LB. Thinking about doing GS legs! I miss seeing Cathe,LOL!

i got me a bathing suit yesterday:eek: first one since ive lost all my weight. Its cute but BOY do I need to get some famous daves tanner;-). That will be my next purchase!;-)

ok,need to got get ready. I will bbl with personals;-)
Good Morning!:)

Yesterday ended up being a rest day! read right!:) I did nothing!!!!:) I don't know why I don't like taking rest days b/c in reality we should have 1-2 a week. I think Im afraid that I will be eating the whole time when I should have been working out! LOL

I was hoping to get a long run in today but it is wet and cold out.I think its suppose to be nice tomorrow though. will be some kind of step workout, maybe BM2 or CF. Probably wouldn't hurt to work LB either.

Ameila** Enjoy your morning with the kiddes!!! Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you!

Good morning ladies,

Today's workout will be KPC, maybe....I might do a different kickbox workout.

Amelia - Yes, have fun with the kiddos. I am sure that school stuff is a lot of fun. Can't wait til Heidi is doing all that stuff.

Lori - Rest day? Wow, are you feeling ok? Just kidding, it'll be really good for you and your body to just relax once in a while. I normally take a rest day, because I am too tired to workout, hehe.

Ok, ladies, got get going but I try to be back later
Kristine :)
Wow!:eek: What a quiet day!!!

I ended up going for a run this afternoon. Hoping to squeeze in a ab workout at work. Im sure I will have lots of time!

Kristine** Hope your enjoying your workout, whatever you decide:)

Hope everyone is having a good friday!!

OH My Gosh,where is everybody? I thought i would have a whole thread to read through?

I finally got my workout in,did a PW and some LB with abbwork! Tommorrow is a PW with UB and that will complete my week!

Im just about to go NUTS because i can't find my car keysx( i had to get a neighbor to run me to Dd's school to pick her upx( Thankgoodness my DH has a spare on his keychain.

Lori-great job on yur run!

Kristine-What did you end up doing?

Hey to everybody that is lurking or follows;-)
Hey,, it's quiet around here today!

Slept very well today and was actually startled when my alarm clock went off! Today was LB, so Meaner Legs came out. I hadn't done that one in a very long time and it was a killer!!! I didn't get to the ab section, I ran out of time, but that's okay, cuz I do abs when I'm off.

I was super happy yesterday! Talked to Mom on the phone. I've been worried about her because she has some cervical polyps removed last week and she got the pathology report yesterday.... BENIGN!!! YEA! I told her that I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about her! I was totally prepared to quit my job and head up there to help her out if she got a bad path report!

Off to see what else is going on in Cathe-land!

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