Commit to get fit & lean for Dec 25, 2010


Merry Christmas,

We had our Christmas yesterday:confused: Glad it's over, now it's time to relax! I did got my workout in before dinner. Still have to get my shoulder plus 2 Insanity workouts in this week. My plan is to do shoulders & one Insanity today and finish the other Insanity tomorrow.

Merry Christmas from my house to yours! BBL!
Merry Christmas

Today is a rest day, I got hit with a double whammy this morning:confused: Im suffering from a massive hang over from yesterdays christmas party ( drank WAY to much wine last night) and TOM is here a little early. Im not feeling to hot this morning.

Hello to everyone...have a fabulous day! I will bb tomorrow:)

My parents, bro, and I did our gifts this morning. Got lots of nice stuff!!! Not sure what I'm doing later; I think we're going to Mark's aunt's house for dessert but no clue what dinner plans are yet haha. Mark & I will exchange later.

Just finished Low Max. Now I will relax for the rest of the day ;)

Belinda, glad you had a good workout and a nice Christmas!

Amelia, I am feeling you on the wine! I probably drank a bottle by myself last night, easily. I actually didn't feel it this morning...probably cuz I made myself drink water all night!

Have a great day everyone! :)
Merry Christmas to everyone!! Did insanity yesterday am hoping to kickmax or
Lowmax legs are a little too sore to try butts and guts. Maybe after my next rest day. Everybody be grateful for what you have in life, then you will get more things to be grateful for!!
Howdy girls,

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! We are having a great vacay so far and not missing the cold one bit :). For the first week I worked out every day but this second week is starting to slip. Anyway, I'll be back by the of the week.

Merry Christmas!!
Good morning,

DD and I did Insanity " Cardio Power & Resistance" and shoulders today.

Amelia - LOL! Hope you feel better tomorrow!

Melissa - have fun with your family today. Nice job, on LM today. LOL, about the wine, I drank a lttle to much too the last few days.

Heidi - have fun with your workout today.

Trish - glad you enjoy your vacation! Merry Christmas! You will be back on track soon.

Merry Christmas!

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