Come on and tell us about the BTR!


Debbie, Honeybunch and others:

Come on and tell us what you love about this product. What does it do? Is it complicated to adjust all the bands? Is it best for cardio or stength? What do you enjoy about it? What makes it better than all that other infomercial stuff they sell out there? Are there different models? Which models are best? What accessories are needed? Who does the product work best for? Is it fun? Is it smooth? Come on, girlfriends. Give it up!

Also, how much space does it take up? Can it be folded for storage?

To put it in a nutshell, it saves time and produces results. It's not hard to adjust - I have not changed bands since I put on 140 lbs. worth. I don't use it for cardio, just leg work. I have tried free weights and Cybex machines at the gym, and this works best of anything I've tried.

I'd worn the same pant size for about 3 years, and had hit a plateau that I thought I'd never get past, but since using the B&TR, I've had to give away most of my old pants (size 6) and get new ones. I think I see the biggest difference in my inner thighs and be-hind.

It can be folded for storage.

Just Do It! :7
Thanks, Honeybunch. I'd like to come down a few pants sizes too. But it's my waist that keeps me in the larger sizes. My legs are naturally lean, while my middle is forever mushy. Am I a candidate for the BTR? It really sounds like a fun machine.
Hi Nancy!

HB pretty much told you that it is a great piece of equipment. It is not complicated at all to use. I know what you mean about some machines being hard to change bands, weights & all, but this is a cinch to change. It can be used for both cardio & strength depending on which bands you use. As far as informercial "stuff", I am not usually impressed, but this is high quality in my opinion. No, I don't believe there are different models, but I know that this machine is being discontinued because Jake is coming out with something new. The E-Bay prices are awesome! I spent $85.00, if I remember right, and it is worth it! As far as your core area, I believe it works it well along with the legs. I'm not sure it would fit under MY bed, but our bed is a bit low. I'll try to check that out for you or possibly even measure how flat it goes. I never flatten mine. (Just keep it in my bedroom where I can run into it and break my toe!:eek:) I have so many things in my workout room, it won't fit there! LOL! Oh and I would say the amount of space it takes up would be like you sitting in a backward incline in a chair and extend your legs out in front straight. That would be the FULL extended position. Does that make sense? It is only slightly wider then your body. Hope that helps. Have we got you convinced!!!!!!! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!:eek:
RE: Hi Nancy!


1. Do you love it?

2. How does it fit in with the Cathe tapes, or do you use it separately?

Thanks for all the info!! You know I'm a sucker for new toys!
Even if you have lean legs, it will certainly help your posterior region.

By the way, I have posted several times that I use it with Cathe tapes.

Yes Nancy, I love it! I feel like a hypocrite because I have not used it for some time right now. I have been so busy with my job and also trying to fit in my Cathe's that I have rather put it to the side. I truly saw great results from it and NEED to start it again. I have never used it with a video before but I am going to give that a try. All this talk about the B&TR has gotten me motivated to FIND TIME! I do not think you will be sorry. If so, you could always sell it on E-Bay! (Which, I am sure you won't!) Keep me posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Don't feel bad about it, Debbie. Just because you put something aside for awhile doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in the overall scheme of things. When you get back to it, you'll enjoy it even more now.

I can tell you are busy as you haven't been posting on these forums much lately. I must admit that I miss your posts.

I've been posting a lot lately, but, ironically, I'm busier than ever at work. I think I spend more time in these forums when the going gets tough at work because it helps me to relax and distracts me from my work stresses.


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