

I resently have been reading quite a bit of research about the benefits of coconut/coconut products (water, oil, milk, etc.). Has anyone else heard of this or tried incorporating this into their diets? From what I read it is supposed to be highly beneficial for athletes and those trying to boost metabolism?
I've heard coconut is really good for vegans since it's one of the few vegan sources of saturated fat (and you actually need some saturated fat to live.) It's pretty high in calories though (like all nuts) so I think it's a moderation thing. I LOVE cooking with light coconut milk. It's yummy (and not too horrifying calorie-wise.)

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
In various books and articles I've read that to see results you should be consuming between 3 1/2-5 tablespoons a day! That sounds like a lot. I've thought about trying it but am unsure of all the extra calories.
Just keep in mind the touted benefits of coconut oil are based on the raw, unheated oils, from what I've read. The types of fats in coconut oil are medium-chain triglicerides, which can be beneficial. It also makes a wonderful body oil because it is a natural fungicide and antibacterial and is similar in consistency to the natural sebum our bodies produce.
>I've heard coconut is really good for vegans since it's one
>of the few vegan sources of saturated fat (and you actually
>need some saturated fat to live.)

Gee, guess I should be dead, then, if coconut is one of the only vegan sources of it.
I have been using coconut oil on my face and skin for several months now-this lady at an organic food store near my house actually got me started on this kick, telling me how great it was for so many different things. I VERY rarely fry anything but have been trying to eat some everday-thanks for the article-sorry to sound obsessed, I just think it's interesting that this has been said to be sooo very bad for people when from what I read sounds like there are many health benefits!
if you do a search, i've wrote a few things on coconut oil. don't worry about the extra calories, they'll do you little harm. the benefits of taking that oil, slowly increasing the amount, you'll see wonders. its amazing stuff.
I do not post very much, but I have been researching coconut oil as a way to get some good fats because I have Crohn's disease and have had many small bowel surgeries which has given me fat malabsorption. I am a nurse so I spoke to a dietician at work and she suggested using coconut oil because it is a medium chain triglyceride so it would be easier to digest and allow me to get some of my fat soluble vitamins. I am afraid to try it though because of all the bad press about coconut oil and afraid that the extra calories would cause me to gain fat. Could anyone pleae tell me if they have used this in the past and gained weight or had any other issues. The dietician told me to work my way up to at least 2 tablespoons a day. Thanks in advance.

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