clx vs sts


New Member
Why oh why did I have to purchase both? Now Im undecided on which to do first! I'm going on vacation the first week of May which would accomodate well the recovery week in STS. I need to lose some weight between now and then and am doing ETL. Suggestions?
I have CLX and did the first month before stopping because I was dreading the workouts. I have STS and have only done the first week of Meso 1, but I'm loving it. Guess I'm just a Cathe girl at heart.
The clean diet is going to have more of an effect on your weight loss. I think since the recovery week of STS fits in with your vacation schedule, that is a good choice.
Personally, I LOVE CLX. There is room in my heart for both Cathe and Chalene;)

I'm so undecided! But its almost fate that the recovery week fits so perfectly. Any idea which one gives the best initial results? I don't want to risk gaining weight in these 4 wks.
I did 6 weeks of Chalene, and could not tolerate any more. It really irritated my sciatic nerve, and I felt mushy from it. I have completed the first meso of STS and start the second on Wednesday and I really, really liked it. I may give Chalene another chance this summer and see if after STS has made me stronger I will like the CLX stuff better.
Meso one could probably help with your weight loss goal. I loss weight during Meso one without changing anything about my diet. Since STS fits in with your vacation I would choose STS.
I completed 7 weeks of CLX and quit when STS arrived. I just couldn't wait to start STS. I waited year and that's all I could take:eek:

I can tell you that I gained strength with CLX. I also think it prepared me for the intensity of STS. I'm lifting heavier with STS because CLX conditioned me for it.

I prefer STS over CLX because I like hour long workout sessions.
When I go back to CLX (after 5 months of STS), I'm going to lengthen the workouts by repeating some of the moves, and shorten the phases to 2(maybe 3) weeks each.

As far as weight loss, you can lose with any program if your diet is clean.

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