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Hey Ladies!
I wanted to post this link to a company called "UnderArmour". They make high performance fitness clothing which is supposed to wick away moisture as you exercise. This company's stuff is catching on like wildfire with professional sports teams and athletes. I believe Sports Authority has UA clothing available at their stores. UA is based in Maryland and run by a former Terrapin football player. Anyway, the link below goes directly to the womens' section but you can browse the site from there. Give a looksee and maybe you'll find something you like. Just a thought.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
GO 24!! Drive for 5 in '03!
RE: Hey T!

No prob Deb!
Are you guys freezing your butts off in Ohio?

Thanks for the link. Read recently about Under Armour in Time magazine. Just about the hottest thing going in athletic wear at the moment!


My butts STILL here Trevor! Ha! It is sooo cold here. I had to get out of a warm bed early this morning to go teach a class for one of my instuctors and it was in the minus digits with the chill factor. It is about 17* now! I am so very ready for Spring. How about you? Great to "see" you here!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Trevor no wonder I love you--we have soo much in common! I've been wearing under armour for over 3 years ! A skier recommended them to me to keep my clothing lite but the warmth in! I had to order a men's medium for leggings $39 and mock turtleneck $49.99! But now you can get female sizes! You can order at for better selections! What great quality and well worth the investment, especially if you are an outdoors person in colder temps--great recommendation Trev! I just took some pics for certain moves today for liz's website wearing my underarmour leggings--gotta email you them just because the timing is soo coincidental- TTYS Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hey Francine!!
That is coincidental! Are you reading my mind up there? ;-)
The UA clothing is kinda futuristic looking. I am gonna definitely get some and try 'em out in the muggy summer Maryland weather for sure.
You look great by the way. Lunges are one of my fave exercises.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
GO 24!! Drive for 5 in '03!!
Thanks for the great link, Trevor! And thank you Francine foe the others! I just went skiing yesterday and I wish I had had some of these.

Actually it was quite hot and I ended up just skiing in a thin turtleneck, ski pants shell only over long johns (definitely not fitted to me) and baseball hat! Ian, my ten year old son, went with me and he snowboarded for the first time. He took a lesson in the morning and then I stayed on the ski school slope with him in the afternoon.

Next time I want to try snowboarding!! and I'll keep these clothing items on my wish list!

Trevor, the underarmour is GREAT stuff. My son (10th grader) wears it for football here in Iowa. It gets cold here in the fall and he has been wearing the same long sleeved shirt under his football pads & jersey for two years and it still looks great. This stuff must last forever! :) Next fall I will get him the tights (or whatever guys call them) to go under his football pants.
Karen that is soo nice of you to buy your son the under armour and soon leggings! They are very durable and you can't beat the high quality! I also bought the mock turtleneck and leggings/tights for my husband who is a truckdriver. He loves how he can move in and out of the truck more easily now that he doesn't have to wear those bulky jackets, down vests, and long johns under his clothes! When he delivers in chilly temps the other workers look at him like he's nuts not having all kinds of layering going on, he laughs cause sometimes he's actually sweating from the warmth being trapped in!
Hey trev, I just did Imax 2 today and I could have sworn I seen Cathe wearing underarmour workout pants--it was there X logo--I'm sure of it but got soo caught up with the intensity of the workout I forgot to check the credits-- hmmm anyone know?Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hey Karen -

Funny yep that's how I know about underarmour too - my son's friends ALL have it for lacrosse and football! Isn't it great how our kids have the best equipment and we scrimp on our selves!!!
Just was reading this post again...and you know you are right. I wouldn't hesitate to buy him (son) the expensive stuff but if it were for me, I wouldn't have gotten it! But I feel sorry for him when he has to stand on the sidelines at the varsity games and freeze! Our sophomores have to be at the games but can't play. Guess it just makes the bench "look" big! :) We go to a small school! Next year, I will get the leggings...his calves look cold! And here I am in the stands watching in my winter coat, gloves, hat and a blanket...freezing!
Have a great day! Karen :)

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