My daughter is 17, but I used cloth diapers. In the whole 2 yrs and 9 months she needed diapers, I only bought one box of disposables, and that was for when we were travelling from Virginia Beach to Reno in a car. I bought them at Sears, and ordered some from Biobottoms, a company that made terrycloth diapers and wool diaper covers you use instead of plastic pants. They are now out of business, after being bought by some telemarketing firm, hopefully there are other products like that, you just velcro them on the kid, and they breathe, unlike plastic. My daughter barely had any diaper rash.
I like the huge unfolded diapers best because you could fold them different ways as the baby grew, and when you line-dry them they dried very very fast. I tossed wet diapers into a bucket full of soapy water, then drained the water out and washed them once a day, or every other day at most. Poopy diapers I dipped in the toilet, up and down until they were mostly "clean", then wrung them out and dumped them in the bucket with the others. I didn't use bleach because it is so toxic, but washed in hot water and line dried in the sun. I lived in Tahoe, so it's sunny most of the year, during the snowy months, I used a dryer.
I still have some old diapers I use for rags. Amazing.