Cloth diapers


O.K., I know that I am a first time mom-to-be and that we tend to get a little "geeked" out on the first pregnancy...but please indulge me!

Is anyone out there using cloth diapers? If so, where did you get them and what has been your experience using them?
My daughter is 17, but I used cloth diapers. In the whole 2 yrs and 9 months she needed diapers, I only bought one box of disposables, and that was for when we were travelling from Virginia Beach to Reno in a car. I bought them at Sears, and ordered some from Biobottoms, a company that made terrycloth diapers and wool diaper covers you use instead of plastic pants. They are now out of business, after being bought by some telemarketing firm, hopefully there are other products like that, you just velcro them on the kid, and they breathe, unlike plastic. My daughter barely had any diaper rash.
I like the huge unfolded diapers best because you could fold them different ways as the baby grew, and when you line-dry them they dried very very fast. I tossed wet diapers into a bucket full of soapy water, then drained the water out and washed them once a day, or every other day at most. Poopy diapers I dipped in the toilet, up and down until they were mostly "clean", then wrung them out and dumped them in the bucket with the others. I didn't use bleach because it is so toxic, but washed in hot water and line dried in the sun. I lived in Tahoe, so it's sunny most of the year, during the snowy months, I used a dryer.
I still have some old diapers I use for rags. Amazing.
Thank you so much! I was hoping to get a response like yours. The research I've done indicates not much has changed as far as usage in the last 15 years! My husband and I plan to use them but most of our friends don't so I came here to get some insight!

Thanks a bunch!:)
I am using cloth diapers on my son right now and it really isn't as hard as some will have you believe! I use Kooshies and Motherease diapers ( and I bought a ton of them on Ebay!! The best website ever for cloth diapering is, it will answer all your questions! Good luck and good for you thinking responsibly about our environment!
I've been using cloth diapers on my daugher for over 2 years. I have a diaper service that comes each week to bring new clean diapers and pick up the dirty ones so it is really easy for me. I love it. It may be a little bit more expensive than disposables (but not much) and it is worth it to me. For one thing, I rarely ever run out of diapers and I don't have to worry about buying them all the time. Plus it's easier to tell if they are wet especially when the kid is a little baby.

Good luck!
I think you will like visiting this website: They have healthy products, including for diapering. It says about 18 billion used diapers go to landfills every year, and that you save between $1000 and $2000 if you use cloth diapers.
We used a diaper service with my first, and really liked it. They raised the prices a lot though, so it was way more expensive for my second. We bought diapers for him, but didn't use them as much as we had intended to. We bought some of the newborn sized ones, which I really liked, as the bigger ones are quite bulky when you fold them to fit. But, we stopped at about 4 months when he decided to start solids. It not only smelled much worse, but he pooped 4-5 times a day, and that was just too much for me to deal with. My first didn't really like solids till he was 9 months, so it was a whole new world for me.

Anyway, if you want some gently used DSQ diapers, I have quite a few available for sale or trade. The are all cotton with the triple padded middle part.

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