No workout yet for me either-waiting for the boys to get picked up. Eats are good except for a few too many pretzel crisps. Thanks for all the support re my mom. It's so frustrating having to justify exercise of all things! My parents are the most sedentary people in the world and are suffering from a whole host of health issues-you'd think they'd be happy I'm strong and healthy-physically at least-that they'd encourage me to continue and follow my lead, but no. Ah, well. Such is life.
Becky, that's what I'm trying to avoid too! Both my mom and grandma (54 and 74) have major back and knee pain but my mom would rather I take a nap while Nevena does!
Colleen, nice workout! I need to remember that one ofr future use I'm sure I'll be driving my girls batty one day-if not already!
Clintonya, Thanks for the compliment! My mom's just weird-she thought that 72 year old woman that was so fit (in OD) was awful! Can we say skewed sense of what is healthy?
Katie, XO to you too! Hope those cravings are the "good" kind!
Kate, you show little Miss J who's boss!
Becky, that's what I'm trying to avoid too! Both my mom and grandma (54 and 74) have major back and knee pain but my mom would rather I take a nap while Nevena does!
Colleen, nice workout! I need to remember that one ofr future use I'm sure I'll be driving my girls batty one day-if not already!
Clintonya, Thanks for the compliment! My mom's just weird-she thought that 72 year old woman that was so fit (in OD) was awful! Can we say skewed sense of what is healthy?
Katie, XO to you too! Hope those cravings are the "good" kind!
Kate, you show little Miss J who's boss!