//// ::: clean & tidy manic monday ::: \\\\

Let me first start off by saying.... I ran 11.75 miles yesterday!!! Most of you know this already because of my ranting on FB, but I had to seize the opportunity to brag here too. When I got about mile 7, I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to go ahead and do 11 miles instead of 10. Then at mile 11, an awesome song came on my iPod and I couldn't stop running then. I honestly had it in me to keep going but I knew that 11.5 was about all that I could SAFELY increase my mileage this week so I stopped.

Another crazy Monday ahead for me - court again at 8 am (140 underage drinkers again), then lunch, off to my office for a bit, back to court by 330 for the license speech, then back to my office to do a group drug screen. I should get home by 7 (I hope!).

I have another group drug screen on Thursday night -- all this comp time I am earning is going to come in handy on Friday -- I will be leaving at noon! And will be off the rest of Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday (Columbus Day). YIPPEE!! I need it!!

Off to lift...and this about my goals for the week!
Morning girls,

I have my kiddos home this AM. Anna had a fever Sat and yesterday but seems fine today. I just wanted to give her a rest day so we're reading a lot of books, coloring, and just relaxing.

This morning's WO was Max Interval Circuit. For some reason I was REALLY struggling and had to take lots of breaks but I banged out the last circuit and really felt good about not quitting. I can't believe we're close to done.

Katie, I'm SOOOOOOO proud of you for accomplishing your run y'day! You're my hero!

Kate, are you LOVING insanity? WTG on keeping y'day clean!

Colleen, your numbers are great! We haven't done the last two fit tests. They honestly make me super nauseous so I didn't want to do them until the end and Ryan just doesn't have time to do two WOs before work.

Robin, LOL on your daughter. That's one thing I fear about my kids - I want to make sure I give them healthy ideas of eating and exercising. Sometimes I can be too obsessive and not healthy.

Nina, sounds like you turned what started out as a rough weekend into a good one. Hang in there - meditating on verses is totally a way to go. Do you have any good worship music. I LOVE the latest Hillsong United CD - Tear Down the Walls. It has been so good for me. i just finished listening to the audio book of The Time Traveler's Wife. It's a good story.

Klaudia, congrats on your MSU win! I was never a big fan of U of M so I'll take anyone beating them!

Lisa, I'm glad you are enjoying Insanity. I'm impressed you keep up with it as busy as you are! :) I unfortunately don't read enough for myself - more to my kids. I'm reading this book called The Read Aloud Handbook and it just makes me want to read to my kids all day long. But, I LOVE anything by Francine Rivers - specifically the Mark of the Lion series.

Wendy, so sorry about your wrists. I was in gymnastics as a child so suffer from wrist issues too. Your eats are looking great!

Anne, I hope you are having a fantastic time!

OK, need to make lunch for the kids.

My goal for this week is to track everything I eat. I amazed myself the other night in bed thinking about all the "extras" I eat throughout the day and how many calories it adds up to. I know it is affecting my weight loss.

Have a great day everyone!
Katie, GREAT JOB on your running! You should be REALLY PROUD of yourself! That is AWESOME!
NIce you'll get to look forward to a long weekend! Hope today goes by fast!
Have fun lifting!

No big plans here for the day - groceries, woooo exciiting!:D

Last night we did Cardio Recovery - watching Mike shake and quiver (and give up!) on pulsing lunges and squats was A TRIP!!! He did good and was a good sport. He was amazed I could hold that stuff and we were ROFL about it all. I really love doing this program together.:D I think it's really good for us as a couple. Ok, no more mush...:p We're doing Pure Cardio tonight and looking forward to a good hard sweat!:D

Do you remember that cruise we couldn't go on when Ju was a baby? Well, it looks like another vacation is being offered thru a supply house M uses. In February we might be going to Mexico for 4 days! I have to find out the particulars andmake sure Julia can go so I'm trying to not get too excited but I really really hope we can go! She'd be 16 months by then.... GIna was still nursing but Isabel wasn't (I think!). So maybe Julia would be done then too.....MIL offered to keep Julia if she was done nursing and the big girls will stay w/ MIL & FIL when/if we go. Oh, I hope we can go!!!!

ok, meals!:p
b - oatmeal goo w/ blueberries or apples
l - tortilla soup and corn bread
s - ???
d - chicken sausage and spanish tortilla. I'll have to make sthing else for the fam cause no way will they eat this with me!
Hi Angie, You snuck in!:p Enjoy your quiet day with your girls! Sorry for the fever tho.....sad.
Yes, we are loving Insanity! You guys are so close! What are both of yourplans when finished?
The "extras" suck, don't they!:mad: But you CAN do it! Look at your results fromMonth 1! Make it happen for Month 2!

Katie EXCELLENT RUN. What would we do w/o ipods? What song was playing that motivated you?

Angie are you going to use your iphone to track what you eat? I think that we are setting a great example of exercise and good eating plans. When I was my DD age I did not know anyone, except kids that exercised.

Kate Mexico sounds very nice just don't drink the water.

My weight is down 1#..I guess that is water weight but that is a good sign that I'm breaking through a plateau.Later I'll blog about the new stuff I read in Jillian's book. One example do not eat carbs before bed time...it will interrupt your sleep.

w/o today maybe some old fashion step and core work. Any suggestions?
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Good Morning Girls !

I just got home yesterday from a week in Hilton Head. Had a fantastic time, the BEST weather.........sunny every day and in the 80's....once in the low 90's. Beach time, pool time and walking a LOT every day !
Also tons of seafood !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The suprising...no, SHOCKING news is that I went shopping with my DD and got a new pair of jeans at AE. IN SIZE 2 ! I've never worn a size two before in my life!
I KNOW that their sizing is probably just different, but it sure was nice that on the last day of vacation , after all my not-even-close-to-clean-eating, that I was down a size on pants !! :)

Today I am starting Cathe's Oct. rotation. Anyone else doing it ??

Katie- FANTASTIC about your longer than expected run after you almost didn't do it at all ! SEE what you are capable of ??? Way to go !

Hi, everyone else. I am SO not in an OHIO, work week mode. I should be walking on the beach right now, but instead it's 37 degrees and I'm bundled up and trying to talk myself into losing these comfy warm jammies to put on workout clothes and so far, it's not happening !!!!!!!! :(

I'll bbl...

Thanks Katie that is a great song. I just downloaded it along with Sugarland. I'm glad Taylor Swift did not turn into another Britney S

Becky your body must be in shock from nice weather to winter weather.
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good morning everyone!

katie, again, congrats on the awesome run!!:D you must be so proud.

good morning angie. thanks for the music tip. i will have to look into that. i hear ya on the extras:mad::mad:

kate, wtg on the clean eating . no one can stop you, super woman!

robin, yea on the scale. i too think we should focus more on health, but i love every little pound down.

becky, glad vacation was so great. i need some new jeans, hmmmmm. it is still beach weather here - 90's all week:( i miss fall.

lisa, thanks for the author recommendation.

wendy, hope your wrists are better.

i came sooo close to skipping my volunteer stuff y-day. i was plain exhausted. anyways, i went, and i am glad i did. i did a little surgery and a lot of observing. it is so different from day practice, but hopefully i will keep learning. today i need to sort out fingerprinting for my subbing. i have to clean my closet as the ac guy came and i had to empty it all out:mad:. i need to wo. i could not get up early enough to do my abs and leg work, then the kiddos got up and dh got grumpy. repeat after me - i will not fight today, i will not fight today. eats need to be clean, cause i have done soooo good the last few days and i want results.

okay, biab
aaaahhh..... ginas off to school, went to meijer, grocs put away, nursing j to sleep!:D

becky, glad u had a good vaca...and yay on the smaller size!
go do that wo!:D
no oct rot for me - m & i started insanity

katie, will listen post-nursing

nina, get those results! eat clean - you can do it!
glad yday turned out well at the er.
ac break? yuck!

anne, how was portland?
Good morning everyone!

Busy morning this morning - I started the Oct. rotation and added a 25 minute run on the end. I should have gotten up earlier but I didn't so I was a little late (not that I punch a clock but then I need to stay later). Anyway, I was concerned about going back to weights but it was good. I had a decent run and my speed is back up. I am really mad that I forgot today is jean day (in honor of breast cancer). Oh well, I have another chance on Thurs.

Becky, I saw your pictures on FB. I was so jealous. ^5 on the jeans! Looks like we are doing the Oct. rotation together.
Nina, I am glad you dragged yourself to your volunteer work. I am sending you clean eating vibes!!!
Katie, ^5 on your run. Sometimes the times we don't want to workout are the best.
Kate, glad to hear you & M are really bonding with Insanity. Is week 1 almost done?
Angie, how nice to have an extra day at home with the girls. Don't worry about missing the fit tests - my best results were on the last one.
Robin, that's funny that Jillian says not to eat carbs before bed. I think it helps me sleep. Where's your blog?

Goal for the day - eat clean.

b: oatmeal w/ almonds
l: chicken chili w/ couscous
s: strawberries & yogurt
d: bbq salmon, brown rice, veggies
Kate- I did it ! Yay! I'm all warmed up now too, believe me ! ; )

Are you liking Insanity ??? I looked at it but thought it looked a little too insane for me ! :)
I miss step aerobics soooooooooo much. Had fun doing RS:) and class stretch 617 strengthen & slenderize. Will do core work tomorrow morning.

i'll be so glad when cathe new stuff comes out

Colleen why were you concerned about going back to weights? losing Cardio endurance???

nina i will not fight today i will not fight today i will not fight today...because I'm not at work today HEHEHE:D

bbl with blog and menu
It's 4:30 and I'm ready to go to bed! I'm so tired (why isn't there a yawn smile?).

Katie, I'm totally motivated by music too. One of my favorite songs when I used to "strollerblade" was Bombs Over Baghdad by Outkast. For some reason it just really got me going. I miss listening to music while I exercise.

Kate, a trip to Mexico sounds fabulous! I hope you get to go. I hope you get to go w/o J! As sweet as she is, I think it would be sweeter without her. ;)

Robin, I'm actually not specifically tracking calories. I'm just eating the 300 cal block meals from the insanity manual for the most part. I'm kinda hungry though so I think some almonds or something are in order. I just need to avoid the halloween candy on my counter that our friends gave our kids! I miss step too - can't wait to get started again. But I LOVE the sweat of insanity.

Becky, so jealous of your vacation and your size 2! WTG! That must feel so wonderful! Good luck with the Oct rotation!

Nina, I hope you have a great day. I think your goals are good ones. I'm glad you went to the volunteer thing too. Your follow through is always so inspiring. Every time I want to cheat, I think Nina would resist this temptation!

Colleen, I'll be interested in your experience with the Oct rotation too. Can I have your chicken chilli/couscous recipe?

So, I'm reading this book called The Read Aloud Handbook and it's really interesting and suggests a lot of books to read to your kids. I miss my library!

Gotta clean up the kitchen...
Colleen, GREAT WO!! Is it easy now post-Insanity?!
yummy menu!

becky, Good for you getting your WO done! Sometimes it's hard getting back into the groove!
We ARE liking Insanity! Loving it actually! THAT said, I don't think I would like it as much if I was doing it alone. It def helps having someone to do it with

Robin, I sooo hope I get the new CS series for my bday! If not, well, I'll buy it anyway!:p

Angie, Yeah, it would be nice to have a mini-2nd honeymoon - we'll see!
Ugh! H'ween candy! How I would love some candy corn! BUt i have ZERO PC w/ it around! ANd it must be eaten w/ peanuts - so lotsa extra fat too!

making tortilla soup....smells so good in here!
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Kate and I know you will. LOL

Angie that's funnny it's 10:42 in the morning here.

Becky nice to fit into a size 2! WTG

b-oatmeal with walnuts, raisins
l-turkey sandwhich with spinach
s-fruits ??
d-pork tenderloin and ??
Master Your Metabolism

  1. Limit all sugars to 12-15 tsp per day
    Watch out for hidden sugars, such as in salad dressing, protein bars, English muffins, bread, chocolate milk
    Aspartame (NutraSweet) is an excitotoxin which is a chemical that may cause permanent damage to the brain appetite center
    Avoid all soda with sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate…a carcinogen
    Buy organic items that you eat often, except fish
    Buy organic store brands to save money...does walmart sell organic brand name stuff??????
No processed food except these brands (lesser evil so to speak)
Arrow head Mills
Health Valley
Nature Path
Newman’s Own
hi ladies, ive got awful cold that came on quick =( waiting on JJ to get up from nap, no gym today because hes going on 3 hours! dh started a new work sched 1:30 - 10pm so hes home in the mornings... gosh i love him but it messed with my routine. new routine to be developed i spose =) this sched will be only a few months i think. and he wont be here for dinner so i need to plan carefully for him to have food ready to take with him. it was an abismal weekend for me re:wo's and i am feeling so guilty about it. and i would prob trip over my feet today. i may try a sansone later just to do something extra. and when JJ wakes we are hitting the streets! must walk at least!! the good news is my eating has been controlled so thankful for that.

b - 1% cott cheese, strawbs and raspberries, pecans
s - luna bar, tea
l - ham and swiss with spinach and mustard, apple

dinner last night was tortellini soup with lotsa veg. couldnt find wheat tort or raviolis so i just only ate 2 and eft extra for the fam. prob will have the leftovers for dinner tonight.

i think i hear the boy... bbiab...

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