What is clean?
I think the term "clean" is different for each person. Cleaning up your eating simply is "eating better than you usually do" just like when you clean your house it's cleaner than it usually is. I think the key is to not totally deprive yourself but to eat more good than you do bad. So that means, you find a ratio that works for you. For me, it's that I eat "clean" 90% of the time and 10% of the time I allow myself a little more freedom. You know if you say you'll never have a cookie again, you are just lying to yourself. But if you say, "I'm only going to a cookie once a week" that's a little more tolerable and a little more "cleaner" food choices other than cookies.
My idea of clean food are foods that are unprocessed that the body must break down, like complex carbohydrates (i.e. oats, quinoa, buckwheat), while I still feel that pasta is somewhat processed because it is broken down and formed into noodle shapes. Then lots of fresh veggies, mostly raw, or otherwise steamed, and lots of lean protein from unprocessed sources (i.e. egg whites separated from the yolk, not from a carton, any kind of wild-caught fish and raw unblanched nuts). I understand this may not be everyone's idea of "clean" but the point is to eat "clean" means to make healthier choices than you normally do and to be consistent.