Clean eating?


I just got a reply from Cathe and she gave me a rotation and said to eat clean, which I know is very important in order to see results. What exactly is eating clean? I know WHAT to eat... vegies, fuits, lean meats, whole grains, go light on fat, avoid sugar and salt as much as possible...etc. But I'm not sure HOW to. At what intervals to eat (I need about 1200 cals per day to loose, how do I spread them out)? how to combine foods (protein and carbs at every meal or not)? How much food (or calories) per meal? What's best to eat after a workout?
You should eat every 2 to 3 hours. Just break up your meals into 6 smaller meals. You want to combine a little of everything with every meal if possible. If not, try to eat more protein after a strength workout. If you are doing more cardio, you will want more carbs about an hour before.

Don't under-eat. You may find that you are hungrier with the workout Cathe suggested (I saw her response to you). If you are hungry look for ways to add good protein to your diet--deli turkey or nuts are great sources of protein.

Hope that helps.
Eating whole, unprocessed foods is what I think clean eating is. Since you said you can only eat 1200 calories, divide that between your 5 meals. That comes to 240 calories per meal. Like Deborah said, try to have a protein, fat, and carb at each meal. Have more protein after a weight workout and more carbs after a cardio workout. Good luck!

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