Clean Eating


I know that this question has been asked probably a hundred times, but what do you consider clean eating to mean? Right now I am revamping my eating and I was just wondering if I am trying to tone up and lose 10 pounds do you include protein with each meal and eat 5 or 6 times a day? If so how do you stay around 1600 calories? (My basal metabolic rate says that I need 1400 calories a day.) Do you use protein shakes and protein bars or slimfast shakes and bars? I've considered using slimfast bars as a snack because I have not found a protein bar that I like, and I've tried a bunch. Would that be enough protein?

Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to see what everyone else is doing that is working for them. I know that everyone's body reacts differently, but I still haven't found what works for me. This past month I've been training really heavy with good form and have been starving. I feel like I am eating all the time, but I haven't lost any weight. I expected that though, but beginning tomorrow I will be working on endurance along with cardio for a whole month so maybe I will be able to lose then.

Sorry this was so long!:) :) :)
Do you workout a lot? 1600 seems kind of low. Here is a sample day:
25-30 gms protein
4 egg whites, spinach, low-fat part skim cheese
1 cup oatmeal with fruit and almonds
Ezekiel toast with p.b. and all fruit spread

20 gm protein
Cottage cheese (1/2 cup)
1/2 cup Kashi cereal
1/2 cup peaches (no syrup)

25-30 gm of protein
Homemade soup or chili
Spinach or green salad with no sugar, lo-fat dressing
Piece of fruit

25 gm protein
1 no lard whole wheat tortilla wrap
1 can tuna
Soy or canola mayo and mustard

25-30 gm of protein
Green pepper stuffed with turkey, salsa, and plain yogurt
Side salad
Sweet potato or piece of fruit

Remember, stay healthy, but don't get too strict or obsessed!
Thanks Jillybean!

I try to workout 5 or 6 times a week for an hour with at least 3 days of weights and 2 or 3 days of cardio. Each workout I try to make every set, rep, and exercise count since I can only get in 1 hour at a time. I stick to Cathe workouts since they give me such an awesome workout and I really feel the burn.

1600 calories has really been an arbitrary number for me to hit. Normally I am around the 2000 mark. Somewhere I got the idea that 1600 was where I need to be see results and lose a few pounds. I guess I need to revamp that. That is primarily why I am adjusting my diet. Since I have been trying to restrict myself so much I think that I have in fact been sabotaging my efforts. When I get hungry I grab something that is easy like candy or soft drink. Lately, I've really been cutting down on the sweets and trying to focus on more good for me things like fruits and vegetables.
Hi Kristi!

I was just designing and printing out a Basal Metabolic calculator today, for myself to use with clients. Even though I'm not a personal trainer, I will be training some people for free so I can get some experience.

Anyway did you know the Activity Factor can raise your BMR (or, your MR) as much as twice? That's right- your metabolic rate can be double your BMR or even more if you're training hard.

So keep that in mind when designing your diet. You might even be able to eat 2500-3000 calories if you're lifting heavy, and/or doing IMax once a week, and if you weigh 130 or more. So then you'd lose fat if you cut down on refined carbs from there.

Really keep tabs on protein and if you lift heavy, like on an S&H rotation, add an extra serving of protein per day.
Connie...what would be considered a serving size of protein?also,when you add this much more protein in your diet do you notice a huge difference in muscle tone?I am 5'8" and around 130-135 i do heavy weight training and have been doing imax 2xs a week.With summer around the corner that is one thing i was trying to accomplish was more muscle definition...however that is one thing i know i need to add to my diet is more protein the ??? is how much?
Well I consider 3 ounces of lean meat- about the size of a deck of playing cards- one serving. Or, 3/4 to a full cup of lowfat cottage cheese.

If you are doing IMax 2 times a week and you are 5'8" your (total caloric) needs may be somewhere up around 2500-3200 calories a day. If you are lifting heavy you want 40 percent of the calories to come from protein. Let that be a rough guideline. Not from protein *foods* but pure protein (in other words, yogurt calories hardly count but shrimp calories all count).

If I were you and wanted more definition at this point I would cut the cardio down to 2 hours a week of steady-state cardio and S&H for one or two weeks. Then do Power Hour once and go back to the IMax you are doing for a week. Then see if you want to change again. (For me, your rotation would be "too tough," I would be too tired and hungry. But I also have a pretty active job and some heavy house work too.)

The reason I would cut IMax is that doing IMax uses up fat but also uses up some muscle mass. So to put on muscle mass you have to concentrate on it. Otherwise too much multitasking and you end up spinning your wheels.

IMax 2x a week is great for fitness and overall weight loss. But it will work against adding muscle.

Everyone responds differently so take this suggestion with a grain of salt. :D

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