I know that this question has been asked probably a hundred times, but what do you consider clean eating to mean? Right now I am revamping my eating and I was just wondering if I am trying to tone up and lose 10 pounds do you include protein with each meal and eat 5 or 6 times a day? If so how do you stay around 1600 calories? (My basal metabolic rate says that I need 1400 calories a day.) Do you use protein shakes and protein bars or slimfast shakes and bars? I've considered using slimfast bars as a snack because I have not found a protein bar that I like, and I've tried a bunch. Would that be enough protein?
Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to see what everyone else is doing that is working for them. I know that everyone's body reacts differently, but I still haven't found what works for me. This past month I've been training really heavy with good form and have been starving. I feel like I am eating all the time, but I haven't lost any weight. I expected that though, but beginning tomorrow I will be working on endurance along with cardio for a whole month so maybe I will be able to lose then.
Sorry this was so long!

Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to see what everyone else is doing that is working for them. I know that everyone's body reacts differently, but I still haven't found what works for me. This past month I've been training really heavy with good form and have been starving. I feel like I am eating all the time, but I haven't lost any weight. I expected that though, but beginning tomorrow I will be working on endurance along with cardio for a whole month so maybe I will be able to lose then.
Sorry this was so long!