******cLEAN-eating WEEKEND!!!! *****


I love weekends!!!

We are leaving soon for the Detroit Zoo, about 1.5 hours away. So after carmax, walkmax begins. Not sure on meals - I'm at the mercy of the zoo!

b - wheat chex, banana
s&d - hopefully tidy!
Hey Kate, have fun today!! I am sure you will easily walk several miles at the zoo, hope you are wearing good shoes!

I did -- or attempted -- HSC this morning, and I am sad to report that I DO NOT care for it. Oh well. Anyone wanna buy it?

I am eating b'fast now, then Collin and I are running some errands, then off to the children's play shop to see Rumplestiltskin or however you spell that. Should be fun! He's really excited! After that will be NAPMAX, my favorite, then grocery shopping, out to dinner, then Lowe's for a bazillion things we need for all of our upcoming projects.

Check back later!
Morning clean weekend eaters

You're both up early!

Kate, enjoy the zoo, it sounds so fun. Hopefully its not too hot in Michigan today.

Katie, I dont have a high step, otherwise, i'd take you up on the offer. Have fun today, sounds busy

I just finished my wo, 4D total upper, BC and core
Menu: only breakfast so far, egg whites and oats, its Saturday though, so who knows.
I'm heading over for a girl afternoon, my best friend is doing my hair, then i'm hanging out at her place for the afternoon. And the usual, veg market, health food store, dog walks...
have a great day,
Hi Everyone!

I didn't get a chance to post this morning. DH brought home a stomach virus and we were both a little under the weather this morning. I am feeling a little bit better now - I can eat but still tired.

Plans for today are cleanmax, pay bills, attend conference calls and rest. Tomorrow I have to be at work early so I hope I can shake this stomach thing.

Kate, have fun at the zoo. I should go down and see the baby pandas at the dc zoo before they are gone.
Katie, sounds like you have a busy day. Hope you get it all done.
Steph, have fun at your girl afternoon.

no w/o
b: some oatmeal
s: banana
l: soup

not sure about the rest of the day.

Hi ladies,

Colleen hope you feel better soon.
Kate enjoy the zoo. I love the Bronx Zoo.
Katie how come you did not like HSC?

today has been okay so far.

b- coffee from Dunkin Donuts, and a bagel w. cc
l- 1/2 turkey bacon wrap and sm. bag of chips
s- other 1/2 of turkey wrap

For lunch hour I took a walk. I did almost 2 miles in 40 minutes.

Have a great night.

Katie, Sorry you didn't like HSC. I love that one. HSTA I don't care for as much but I'll do it if its on a rotation. Sounds like a busy, fun day for you.

Steph, Have fun today! Not *too* hot here, but def. hot enough!

Colleen, Sorry for sickmax. That really stinks to have to work on a Sunday. Blah!

Jenn, Good for you fitting a walk in! Any fun plans for the weekend?

ZooMax maxed me out! I am so exhausted! DDs did great (thank you, wagon!) At one point I was pulling the wagon with both girls in it and DH was strolling along and I said to him "Someone should come over and beat you for making a pregnant lady pull 85 pounds of kids while you're walking!" I was teasing him - we had a good laugh. But he did take over the wagon at that point!:)

Eats have been not too shabby today. Mike went out to do a couple quick things so I'm going to do 30 min of CS. I'm tired but I feel like my poor muscles need it. Then a cold shower and off to bed!
Good morning, ladies!!

I am hoping that we can get some things done around the house today. Last night we spent $450 at Lowe's on a few things to re-do the master bath -- we already have the paint, but we still need to buy the new flooring. Wonder how much that will cost...?!? I am freaking out about money right now, does everyone else do that too or just me? I think next weekend we are doing the living room (I think we decided on the blue-green color), and I am afraid of what that is going to end up costing. I guess we just need to buy the paint, about $100, and new blinds, about $120.

I'm just thinking out loud, sorry.

No workout for me today, and I am thinking about switching things up this week from the original plan. I just do not like circuits -- I feel like I never do very good at either thing when I put cardio and weights together. In July, I am going to do a rotation focused on upper body strength and lower body endurance. Need to get my arse in shape for the RT!!
Good Morning Everyone!

I am feeling much better today. I had a big bowl of pasta for dinner last night and that tasted so good. I will work on getting more protein today.

Katie, I do stress out about money too - I hate when I have to spend so much at once.
Kate, glad everyone enjoyed the zoo. Hope your muscles are feeling better this morning.
Jenn, glad you got a good walk in yesterday. I was going to try to do that but it was too humid.

no w/o (working today)
b: bagel w/ cc
s: banana
rest of day is tbd

Lots of projects for you guys Katie! I go in and out of thinking about money. Mike is very much in the mindset that he NEVER thinks about it, comes from his parents. Thankfully we can pay our bills and have some extra but if we both thought like he did we'd be broke FAST! I miss following a rotation! Enjoy yours! I keep thinking about planning one out but so far I'm just following what my body feels like doing/what I have time for each day. Looking forward to Ultimate Rotation with STS post-baby!!!

Colleen, Did you say pasta???! I had a lot the 1st trimester but I'm limiting it now. I hope work goes fast for you today - how are you two feeling? Any better?

It's the weekend so meals/snacks today are totally unplanned. Clean so far!
b - wheat chex, banana
s - peanuts
l - grilled chicken salad
s&d - ???
Not sure on my workout. Right now I've got a bad round ligament pain that's making getting around kind of awkward. We'll see....
(**^^^ Mufasa just popped my favorite stability ball!!!! DDs were playing with it and he chomped into it.x( I have another one but this one was my favorite.

Eats for the latter half of the day have not been as stellar as the first. Hoping for some lower body work and a stretch after the girls go to bed....SOON!

AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?! Mike wants to start lifting again!!! He's starting tonight! This will be so great. He is so discilpined with eating when he's lifting which will help me too and the time he takes in the evening will be more time for me to workout too. He refuses to do a Cathe but at least he's doing something. yay!!!!!!
Kate, that's great!! Chris used to do Gym Styles with me, for about a month or two or something. It's been awhile... I kinda miss it. Enjoy it!

Busy day, totally not as planned, but oh well. Relaxing now for a few, then off to bed.
Hurray X 15 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike is downstairs lifting right now!!!!
I just got done with the first hour of BM2 and I *really* wanted to go in the weight room to do the UB but he's in there and I don't want to intimidate him!:p He gets really shy about lifting in front of anyone so I'll save UB for tomorrow. I think I'll do some CS now to stretch out everything I just worked so hard. I am so good and sweaty - I feel great!!!!

Katie, Enjoy your relaxing - you've had a busy weekend!
Good evening ladies,

Today was my nephews bday party. It was a Red Sox party. Hot Dogs, chips, cracker jax and cake. My eats have not been good today.

I came home and did HCE intervals. Imax 3 and HSC togeter. What a workout. Now I don't feel so bad about the hotdog at lunch.

Kate sorry Muffassa popped your ball.

B back tomorrow.

Jenn, Tomorrow's a new day! Great WO!

I just finished some CS - man, oh man, is this ligament hurting me! Trip to the chiro tomorrow fo'sho'!:)

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