Clean eating check in - week 2 - 3/9/02


Hey guys!!

We survived week 1! Hope everyone is feeling good.
I had a very good week!

I've found by not eating white flour and sugar - I really crave more veggies, fruit, protein and water.. VERY cool -

My goal is really to firm up - feel REALLY good in summer clothes - and at least a partial six pack!!

Weighed myself at the gym - I'm like 3 or 4 lbs from ideal (like 7 years ago when I was lifting) so it's really to firm up...

Anyone else eating protein bars?

Hope you all had great weeks and a good week ahead!!
hey everybody!!!
Good week here.. over the 2 wks. lost 5lbs. all together!!!

Found eating no sugar and white flour makes me crave more fruits, veggies ,but i miss pasta.

Starting track on monday, still don't know what i want to do. Just doing it to stay in shape for field hockey next year. Goal to lose more weight and feel good in summer clothes.

Good Luck next week... keep up the good week!!!
I weighed yesterday, and I gained 1 lb. I am going to start counting WW's Points tomorrow. There is no food program that has worked for me like that one. I am not a big sugar eater, or white flour. I have always used Whole Wheat pasta, or brown rice. I just have to stick with a food plan, and stay there for more than 2 weeks!! WW's is a plan I can live a lifetime with. I am not a real big cooker, and I get bored with the same food. That is my big problem. Tonight we are going to Outback for dinner, I am going to eat what I want for dinner. I live the Alice Springs Chicken w/o the bacon!!!! I am also starting Cathe's 16 week weightloss rotation Monday. I am going to try it for the first 4 weeks anyway. Best of luck to everyone next week!!!!
I second the Alice Springs Chicken, haven't had it in a while, but it is great!! My hubby gets so aggravated with me when we go to a steak place and I order chicken, oh well, I like it!

My week went pretty well. Like ya'll I notice the lack of cravings when I do w/o the sugar. I'm going today to stock up on some whole wheat products and get ready to really dive in next week.

Lori, I'm on WW too. I only lost .2 lbs this week, but I'm happy to see the scale move down. When you are working out really hard, how do you handle the activity points? I have never eaten the extra points and I think now I'm working out harder, I'm going to start using some of those points to see if it will up my metabolism. I just got 7 new Cathe's in yesterday, so will start my FIRST real rotation on Monday.

Have a great week!
I am here to tell you that the Alice Springs Chicken was very good. I probably will not have it for a long while, either. I never add the activity points. I went about 6 weeks ago, and I stuck to plan perfectly, and gained 1 lb. Maybe that is why, maybe I should add them in some. I always feel like if I go over, I will not lose. During PMS week, I will sometimes eat 3-4 points extra. I did WW's about 2 years ago, and had really good success with it. Since then, I have not done it consistently. I am going to try this time though. It is a plan I can live with, without depriving myself. I just have to stick to it!!!!! Maybe with oyu guys on here all doing it, that will really help me. Plus, this check-in. I can do this. Ten lbs. isn't that bad, I have to look at it that way!!!
Hey guys. Still doing well. Feeling really good. I think even tho I'm eating clean, I'm taking in too much fat and cals. Along with WW points, I think I'm gonna start taking Meridia for a while to give me a jump start. Is that blasphemy around here? Hope not.

Have a great day! Robin.
I know what you mean about pasta. We rely on it often here. It is a good quick meal.

My husband and I really have found the whole wheat patas to be very good. We each eat a 3 ounce portion. ( I do weigh it every time! Weigh it raw.) It is great with roasted veggies, a teaspoon of olive oil per serving and a tablespoon or 2 of good quality parmesean cheese. We round out the meal with a big salad. I also have been making croutons out of whole wheat bread. yummy!

Good veggies to roast: sweeet peppers, onions carrots asparagus portabello mushrooms & eggplant slices & broccoli. (choose 2 or 3 at a time or it gets to be too much)
Roast on foil lined cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil cooking spray and lightly sprinlked with garlic powder and of salt. 400 degrees for 20".
I am a ww lifetime member. Weight watchers works as a lifestyle. When I am on program it works. I am very on program now, but even when I eat off program, I write the points down and look at them. Wow, that really makes me look and say, "I can't belive I ate THAT much! LOL
Do you have a palm pilot? I've been journaling in my palm. the download was free. I'd be happy to check in with you on Mondays.

Check out this website:
Dotti did ww and lost a lot of weight and kept it off. She is really an inspiration.
Great recipe ideas! I just tried roasted veggies this weekend. I like your ideas and cooking method even better.
I'm on ww now, again, too. I find it much easier to count the points, then to count the calories. Plus, it is a lifestyle plan, and that's what I'm looking for. Only want to do things that I can honestly say I'll stick with for the rest of my life.
For you pasta lovers: if you've totally ruled it out, have you tried spaghetti squash? It's excellent and even dh likes it now! And you dont have to measure it. It's very low cal. Give it a shot.
I've been thinking about trying the 16 week weight loss rotation too! So, I'll join you on that. Today is day 1!
Hey Robin -

congrats on doing so well - yep I'm finding it not so bad - not sure what kind of results I'll get though. I'm pretty close to my goal weight (like 4 lbs higer last time I weighed my self)

My big goal is to firm up and loose that jiggle --- I've never really tried this clean eating so closely...

Hope everyone else is hanging in there!!

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