Clean diet?


For those who eat clean, what's your daily menu like? Also how do you space out your meals (time you eat)?

Oh my...don't look sad;-) Well, for the last 2 weeks I have been following the BFL diet.That diet consist of a protien,and carb at each meal and a serving of veggies at 2 meals.I eat 5/6 meals a day and I eat every 2-3 hours.When I am at work I usually take a shake or have a protein bar on handy.I wonder if Cathe eats this way? I have read that she eats 6 small meals a day and she eats clean so it has to be similar,I would think:) You can't get much cleaner then chicken and rice...chicken and rice...chicken and rice...:7 :7 :7 :7
But before I ate this way.I would eat relatively clean and 4 meals a day.One of those being my snack at around 3.I got in the habit though of going right to the cupboard when I got home and munching on things.Before I knew it I would be full from all of the picking and not want my dinner, but eat it anyway.This is probably where my 7 pound weight gain appeared from.This is one of my habits that I am trying to break.You can eat alot of calories just standing and picking.A piece of bar,a handful of wasn't healthy eating.
Anyway, I hope I helped
Hi Katia! I follow BodyRX way of eating & weight training. I eat 6 small meals a day consisting of protein & fiber; these two I mainly concentrate on. I don't count calories. I also cycle every 6 wks. my protein & fiber counts. Right now I'm consuming 110g of protein & 30g of protein. I've already completed the 4 cycles & so far I've dropped 9" off of my body. Not too shabby. I'm now doing a 2nd round of BodyRX. I eat every 3 hrs. My typical day goes like this:

Meal 1: McCann's steel cut oatmeal 1/2c w/blueberries & 1/2 c orange juice & then some green tea w/Splenda
Meal 2: cheese stick w/apple
Meal 3: grilled chicken w/romain lettuce, mango, cucumber, avocado, jicama (if in season), radishes & tomatoes w/lime juice & olive oil dressing. Also soup & strawberries
Meal 4: power bar (I'm partial to Strive from BioChem or EAS)
Meal 5: shrimp w/peas & asparagus/mushroom risotto
Meal 6: protein shake (I'm using right now Grow! Low Carb in chocolate) 1 scoop will provide you w/20g protein. When I need to take in 165g of protein I up the scoops to 2 making it 40g of protein.

I change up the salad mid-week to a Cobb Salad. If you would like the recipe for this just let me know & I'll email it to you tomorrow. Hope this helps. Kathy:D

old fashioned oats
12 oz milk w/protein powder (25 grams of protein)
fresh fruit


6 oz protein (chicken, pork, steak, fish, turkey)
potatoes, brown rice, millet or quinoa

same as lunch

b4 bed

baked potato w/olive oil is the program I go by or read Kay Sheppards book From The First Bite available at
Also I use real olive oil, real butter, whole milk, and whole milk yogurt when I have that. I don't like the fat free versions.

I do not follow BFL. I try to eat things that will fuel my body and I try to get .8g - 1.0 g of protein per pound of body wieght. I don't always make it.
Here is a typical (ideal) day. Breakfast (after workout) 1 egg + 2 whites fried in a small amount of real butter (1/8 tsp.) 1/4 C (dry) of rolled oats (buy in bulk at health food store) cooked in 3/4 c water with 2 T ground flaxseed and 1 tsp brummel & brown spread (B&B) + 1/3 banana. Midmorning snack - 3/4 C Kashi go-lean + 1T protein powder with 1/2 C skim milk and a few fresh strawberries, if available. Lunch - 2-3 oz turkey breast on 1 piece whole wheat with mustard. Small tossed salad with 1T of Ken's lite dressing. Piece of fruit like an apple or a pear. Afternoon snack - 1 C no-fat yogurt or 1/2 C low fat cottage cheese and 1 cracker like ryvita or kavli. Dinner 6-8 oz broiled fish, fresh steamed green vegetable with a small amount of B&B (broccoli, green beans, squash-as much as I want) and a starch like baked sweet potato (with 1/2T butter and salt and pepper) The truth is I rarely have a day that clean. Pretzels seem to sneak their way in or peanut butter smeared on a cracker. But I do avoid fast food, deep fried food and pre-packaged snacks. Hope this helps. -joy

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