Classification of Videos


Hey Guys, Would you help me with these tapes that have lifting in them? I want to classify them in order to make a rotation easier for me and to make sure I understand what I am doing.
If you see errors or would like to make additional comments please do so. Too, would you fill in the blanks for me? Thanks!

Pure Strength Series: Build Strength
MIS: Strength
Slow & Heavy: Strength

CTX Series: Muscle Endurance
Boot Camp: Muscle Endurance
Circuit Max: Muscle Endurance

Pyrimid Series: ?

Body Max (lifting portion): ?

Cardio & Weights: ?

Any others you can think of?
Hi There! In MIS,Cathe states that it is an Endurance workout but you will get some strength gains from it.
I would label the Pyramids as Strength also. BodyMax is Endurance.
I think C&W is more endurance based in my opinion. Susan
Rather than putting them all in 2 groups, strength and endurance, I think it makes more sense to think of them as a gradient from Slow Heavy at one end to maybe BodyMax at the other.

Slow & Heavy
Pure Strength Series
Pyramid Series
CTX Series
ME and PowerHour
Body Max

That's the order I would place them in.

Others may disagree, but I don't consider Circuit Max, Cardio and Weights or Boot Camp to qualify as upper body workouts. They do a little, but not enough to matter much, imho.

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