Classics DVD - Cover

Lookin' GOOD!!!

I really love the design of Cathe's more recent VHS/DVD covers, the catalog, the whole visual identity. Nice work by the designer/design team!!!
Yet another reason to love Cathe... She cares
about the DESIGN!!!!

(yes, I'm a designer:))
The Classics cover looks great! BTW, is there any chance that the Cardio Hits dvd will ever be repackaged in a regular dvd case?

Yes! I agree that the design of the recent releases has been excellent, easy on the eye, clean and well thought out. This looks like another good cover selection.
Yes, please tell us if there is any chance. The irregular packaging is the only thing keeping me from buying Cardio Hits. I will buy it now if you say it will never happen, but will wait if there is a chance for new packaging. Thanks!
RE: Cardio Hits Cover

We have no current plans to re-package Cardio Hits. We have at least a 1 year supply on hand of this DVD and it would be too costly to re-package the ones we have....Perhaps when we run out of our cuurent stock.
Please tell me: what kind of package does Cardio Hits come in currently? Is it just a cardboard sleeve?
Possible solution for us vidiots who love symmetry

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-02 AT 06:19PM (Est)[/font][p]deleted

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