Amy Steppe

Hi Cathe and all,

First of all, I am an advanced exerciser who craves your older choreography and intensity. I also prefer the more dancy videos -- I am not a big fan of kickbox. I do kickbox to shake up my routines, but I always dread kickbox workouts.

I would love to see another advanced all step video like "Mega Step Blast" or "Step Max" or even "Power Max".

I love the dancy, yet basic moves and you and your cast look like you are having so much fun! The music you chose was also great in those older videos.

Some people have not experienced the joys of some of your older, but challenging videos.

It would be fantastic to see you do another all out step video, returning to earlier choreography. It would help people who are just joining your world to see a new version of some of these older videos.

I would love to see a "Back to the Basics" all step, advanced step workout made!
I like the older choreo as well, but it's interesting you call it 'dancy': I think of it as more athletic (guess I think of 'dancy' as more twisty and turny, and like Rythmic Step). Whatever it is!, it's very effective. And it would be nice to have some more pure step workouts like those on the Classics and Cardio Hits DVD's. More recently, there have been a lot of circuit or cardio/weights workouts, but I'd love to see some newer versions of the longer step workouts.
I am so over kickbox and drills.

Kickbox just does not get me into my training zone and I find it to be ultra boring. I dread kickbox days -- I try to do them at least once every week, but always feel unmotivated and bored. I do not want to be Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee. I do not aspire to fight.

I love Rhythmic Step - it is probably my favorite advanced all step workout. I call it my "Happy" workout because when I do it, I just feel happy and have so much fun.

I miss the Classic Cathe all step workouts - she has not done a good all cardio workout in so long.....I do not count compliations or premixes as a good solid routine.

I am excited about the Four Day Split series though. It reminds me of an updated Cross Train Express which in my opinion is Cathe's best series ever.
>I am so over kickbox and drills.
>Kickbox just does not get me into my training zone and I find
>it to be ultra boring. I dread kickbox days -- I try to do
>them at least once every week, but always feel unmotivated and
>bored. I do not want to be Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee. I do
>not aspire to fight.

There, we disagree, LOL!
I LOVE kickboxing, and hope Cathe makes many more in the future. I always look forward to kickboxing days, and it's sometimes hard not to want to do it every day. (I want to be Jackie Chan!)
I'm with Amy on this one. Kickbox is not my forte. Though I feel "cool" doing them, I just don't feel like I'm getting a good cardio workout because it's mostly upper extremity work and not lower extremity work. I feel that the true workouts come from the leg movements and the arms add to the intensity. Sometimes I feel like I'm just flailing my arms about.Just a personal preference though.
Another classic step video to add to my Cathe DVD repetoire would be great!!!
I'd also like to see a new "classic" all step DVD. I have almost all of Cathe's DVDs (just missing Terminator, High Step Circuit and Body Fusion) and I really like the Classics and Cardio Hits. It's not necessarily the moves that make me like them it's the pace in which she does a full warm-up, step routine(s) and then the cool down before the stretch. I like seeing my heart rate gradually increase during the warm-up, stay pretty steady during the routines and then slowly decrease in the cool down before we stretch. I also think the stretches are more effective in these DVDs as she really targets the hamstrings, hip flexors, etc. that get tight during step.

I do love the newer workouts and I'm with Kathryn on kickboxing (LOVE IT!!) however I'd like to see something new that doesn't include a circuit or blast from time to time. Just good old steady state step!
Hello Everyone:

I was on this web site for just this topic. I, too, would love for Cathe to make a classic all step DVD. I love Rhthmic step. I love the other DVD's too-Imax 2 is my favorite- but I like to do just straight step inbetween the days I do the DVD's with the blasts and I've found that Cathe doesn't have that many out, other than the ones on Cardio Hits and her Classics DVD.

So Cathe, please make some more step DVD's that are just all step. I vote for a Rhythmic Step II. Interval training step aerobics are great, but so are step aerobics that go a steady pace. They get your heart rate up there and keep it up there.
I just did Rhythmic Step today and I loved it! The moves were really fun and dancy (which I like). This might be my all time favorite Cathe workout, besides the Slow Heavy Series (can't just choose one!) and Body Max 2.

I also dislike kick boxing. It's weird, my breathing is always really heavy when I do kick boxing, but I don't really feel worn out. I just got kick max and have it coming up on my rotation. I'm hoping it will change my mind (I have only done Taebo and Kick, Punch, and Crunch.
Another vote here for Rhythmic Step 2 or Step Blast 2. These were among my first Cathe workouts, and I love how the choreography builds and the final "challenge" in Step Blast 1.

I would preorder a series that included more steady state step without question!!!


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Would also like to see some old step workouts come back again. I do them all the time and would like to see more refreshed and updated ones.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

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