Hi Fellow Canadian Cathe Fans...
Just wanted to let you know that I received the new series from CK Sales on Friday...
Did Boot Camp this morning....All I can say is.....
I've thought about calling them and cancelling my DVD's just so I can get the videos.I was amazed to see that they had them the sametime this website did.Where are you in Canada?
Never been there.I have family in Brampton though.I live in Newfoundland.Oh, what a minute.Wonderland? Yep, I was there when I was 5.Can't remember much now :7
Hi Jenn1973! I received my tapes on friday as well. Yippeee!
Did Bootcamp and Lower Body Pyramid - OMG my legs are sore.
I used to live in Maple - it's good to hear from other Torontonian Cathe fans.