CK Sales - Hardcore Orders


I've now switched from checking the Cathe site to checking CK Sales every 5 minutes for updates! It's not fair...some people will be receiving their dvds today and it looks like CKS haven't even been sent their stocks yet - let alone started shipping their orders! Will these dvds ever arrive?

Anyone any the wiser (or just as anxious as I am)?

You're not alone, I check their newsletter at least every 5 minutes. I hope they ship to CK Sales today. It takes me a week to get an order from CK Sales. I am so excited, it's klling me. :)
Hi Andrea;

you are not alone. I was waiting for a little update during the last weekend. I hope today they will post some news.

I wish cksales already received those DVDs.

It's so hard this waiting but we can spending this terrible time with reading posts of everyone,who will receive HC DVDs this week. I know about Aila-she'll make IMAX3 this evening-so we can read about her first experiences.

Marketa Preisler
I am in the same boat, but the wait will be worth the while, and in a month it just won't matter who got what first. Am I anxious? You bet I am, but our patience will be rewarded!

I have my main preorder with CK Sales, and then I ordered 2 more from Cathe towards the end of the presale, it will be interesting to see what arrives first!

We need to form a Cathe/CKSales support group! I'm also waiting for my order through CKSales. It's torture seeing all the "I got mine!" threads and posts, then the "X is SO FUN!" posts. AAARGH!

To top it off, mine will probably arrive at a time when I'm not home, and the mail carrier doesn't leave packages from Canada at my door because I have to sign. And I have to wait 'til the following day to drive to the package station and pick it up! (And if it comes on a Saturday, I can't pick it up until Monday!)

I though I maybe saved my money ordering HC in cksales but I have forgotten my health. And just now I know I did not make good business.

Because I am coming to the total madness,don't see any help like a little cksales's update and reading those beautiful posts about IMAX3 makes me ;(

The only thing I have learned -in the future series I'll preorder the first day by

Marketa Preisler
that's totally bogus if they haven't sent ck sales their shipment yet! that should have gone out first thing as they are a business! hmph!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I'm hoping they have sent them out and a shipping notice hasn't been sent to CK Sales. I'm getting antsy. :)
Andrea, Conni, Sherry ,Sandra, Marketa, Desertbriez and me, still without an update of CK sales. I can not understand it. We have a link of CK sales in the home page but they don`t have confirmation about the shipment.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :( :( :(
Hi again,

I have asked Cindy from cksales about new update and she has replied me as it follows:

Sorry Marketa, all I can say is I'm still waiting for Cathe to ship our order. I'll have information to post on the website once it's shipped but not before. I'm as anxious as you for our order to be shipped.


I would like to give thanks to Cindy for her fast reply.

And I'll wait more calm.

Marketa Preisler
I have never had any problems with cksales and I doubt that I will now.I e-mailed them yesterday and within 10 min I got a reply.
I remember when I ordered the BB series, I had it faster then some people who live in the States.
I e-mailed them today about a visa # and I haven't gotten a reply WHICH leaves me to beleive that they are sending out workouts today.
If I do not get a reply in another couple of hours, i think I will give them a call.
I know it seems like there are not many Cathe canadians but by the sounds of their newsletter,they are going to be super busy and they hired extra staff.
We can't expect to get our workouts the same time as people who live in the States.And if we ordered directly from the Cathe site, I think it would take alot longer.Last year when my sister ordered from this site and I ordered from CKsales, I got mine faster.
I know, Patients is a virtue!
Let us know how it goes Lori. I just think it's taking so long because the shipment came to Cathe's office on a Friday. I'm not worried about it, I just have to work on my patience. I'm sure this is a huge order for everyone to fill.
They e-mailed back after but before that I read the new update.I think in their newsletter somewhere,they said that Canada customs takes a day or two? Or was that shpping!
Anyway...I am getting just as impatient as the rest of you.I was hoping to have my workouts for this weekend but it don't look promising:-( Besides for that,I didn't order until Oct so I could be waiting even longer.But I did order xpress post so it won't take long once it gets in the mail!
The way I read it is that it will take 24-48 to reach CK sales from Cathe's office. The time depends on customs. Then I think it says all orders will be shipped in 24 hours. It takes me about a week to get mine from CK Sales. I'm on PEI. In the meantime, I'm living vicariously through everyone else!
Did you get yours express post? It doesn't cost much more and it is sooooo worth it.I had my workouts in no time.I always get them to xpress post it.Its not an option so you have to put it in the comment box.I am in Newfoundland so we are both on islands...but I am even further then you!
When dod you order yours?
I didn't express post, must have had brain freeze x( . I don't know if they could change it, but I may email them. You are most definetly farther than I am. I am number 2707. I hope they get these tonight and ship tomorrow. I'm going to send off an email to Cindy just to check on express. Thanks for letting me know, I will use that option from now on!
How do you know what # you are? I can't beleive so many canadians know cathe.It seems like I am the only one who uses her videos in my neck of the woods.
I just changed the visa # they were going to charge and I had no problem, so I would say,that you could change your shipping no problem.
Do you know what number you are by number order? In that case I am #3551! But I always got a number order when ordering videos.I didn't think it meant much.It would just cross refernece with my name.
Another canadian, checking the CKSales website WAY too often, LOL. I'm in Winnipeg so usually get my orders for CKSales in 2 days. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a Friday delivery. Kim

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