Circut training


Hi Cathe,
I was just wondering if the circut style workouts were meant to be done with a day of rest in between because of the weight segments? Typically, the weight is not heavy, correct? I was wondering if a person still needed to give the muscle's a rest because a light weight is used and the segments aren't usually long.

I had to take it easy for a while as I had a hernitated disc and had surgery. Slow process getting back to where I was, and do not know if I will ever get back there, but I am working on it. I will have to tell you too, that I tried going to a gym and working out on a treadmill, eliptical, as those are supposed to be good recovery excersing, but I did not get the satisfaction as I do when I do your workouts!! Thank you!

Long time fan,
Hi Cara! Glad to hear you on your road to recovery. It takes time and its a process you can't rush. Listen to your body day to day.

Generally speaking, sure it is best to take a day off of weight training (you can do cardio) between circuit or solid weight workouts to let the muscle fully recover. But if there is going to be any leeway, it would be with circuit workouts because, yes, the weights are usually not very heavy. Depending on how heavy you lifted and how hard you worked a particular muscle, will be the indicator on whether you should rest the next day. If you are sore, definitely rest. If you are sore on certain muscle groups but not others, do a workout that does not touch the sore muscles the next day. If you are not sore at all, then you will be okay doing another circuit workout but doing a solid cardio would be a better choice.

Hope that helps and good luck with recovery!

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