Circuit Training


Hi Cathy, I was just wondering how I can properly fit in my circuit training with my regular weight training & cardio. my favorite for cardio right now is KPC im totally addicted been using it daily. and for weight training I like to do total body and get it over with all in one day so this week ive been using KPC in the mornings. and Muscle Endurance later in the evening. I wanted to know if Mon-Fri using the kpc is ok (for my cardio) and in the evening on mon, wed & friday muscle endurance (or any other total body workout or yours). then on saturdays to fit in my bootcamp video?. just wondering if thats over doing it or not. Thanks for your help. Gem
Hi Gem! Whenever someone is completely excited about a workout, the endorphins alone burn up quite a bit of extra calories, so you are probably feeling really good right now :)

But eventually your body will adjust to KPC rather quickly from doing is so often so I would like to suggest that you find one or two cardio workouts that you enjoy to alternate KPC with during the week (to avoid burnout and repetitive overuse). As hard as it is to stop doing one thing repeatedly when we love it so much, it eventually doesn't love us back the same way :-(

I also think you only need to do a total body workout two times per week if you are also going to do a circuit like Boot Camp. I would hate to see you lose your exercise high from exercise burnout.

How does this appeal to you?

Mon morning: KPC
Mon evening: Muscle Endurance

Tues morn: Cardio Kicks

Wed morn: Boot Camp

Thurs morn: KPC

Friday morn: 40 minute run
Friday Evening: Muscle Endurance

Sat: 45 minute run

Sun: OFF

If at any point or anyday you are feeling tired, achey, or simply unmotivated, it is your body's way of telling you you are doing too much. Listen to these "warning signs" and make some cutbacks as well as incorporate at least one more "off" day.

Good Luck!
Thanks so much for your response Cathe and your advice. I know this will work fine for me, the only one that I had a 2nd thought about was the 40 min run on friday lol my eyes where like deer caught in headlights when I saw that...but like you always say "EMBRACE THE CHALLENGE" don't fear RUN I WILL....Thanks again:) Gem

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