CIA DVDS/Other Cardio DVDS


I am looking for some new dvds, besides Cathe. I have most of Cathe's cardio. I get easily bored with my cardio and want to try some new instructors, preferbly non-step and not too complex. I was looking at CIA Cardio Camp or Double Cardio, Criss cross cardio. Does anyone recommend these. Or any other nonstep cardio advanced dvds. Thanks for any suggestions.
I just did Cardio Camp for the first time a couple of days ago and I highly recommend it. You don't need any equipment. It's a nice variety of hi/lo, kickbox and non-weighted leg work with some balance moves. It's not complex and Kimberly is excellent at cueing. It had a fast pace and was not hard to follow. She does 3 combos with a hi/lo combo followed by a kickbox combo. After that's over, she puts all the hi/lo combos together and then puts all the kickbox combos together. Then she goes on to the legwork. She does curtsey lunges into a side balance. I can't remember the other moves at the moment. Think of the hi/lo from MIC (without the high impact, although she does do some jumping jacks, jump rope and power scissors but not for very long) and the blasts from Low Max and kickbox. This was so much fun and one of the best cardio routines I've done. It kept my heartrate up throughout the whole workout.

I would also recommend Amy Bento's Hi/Lo Xtreme. This one has athletic choreography which was not hard to follow either and also kept my heartrate up throughout. I liked the music on this as well.

A second for Bento's HLX--I actually did this one this morning. Her choreography & cuing are still a work in progress, but the intensity level is off the charts. Her Kickbox Extreme is great also.

P90X has some good cardio--some folks here follow the whole program but I just kind of pick & choose which workouts I want for my own routine. I LOVE Kenpo X--it's my favorite kickbox workout. Also Plyo X is a good, sweaty cardio workout. Both are high intensity but easy to pick up.
I second the recommendations for Cardio Camp and for Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme. I love both of these. They are some of my favorite non-Cathe videos (and my collection is now about 95% Cathe so I'm picky about other instructors).


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
I also recommend CIA Cardio Camp, as well as

*Double Cardio (uses step- or bosu on one workout and weights)

*Absolute Kickboxing (uses weights and a bodybar- but you can substitute with a broomstick for a non-weighted workout)

*Kickbox Bootcamp (short but effective- same equipment as Absolute Kickboxing)

*Cardio Step Xpress (step, but fun)

*All Out Infused Step (again, step but fun)

*Amy Bento's Hi/lo Xtreme (not a favorite of mine, but very doable)

Have you checked out ? They have previews:) Take care and good luck!

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